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"Once again Zvon has produced a lovely sample collection that is both unique and unusual, and useable at the same time." from the review, read the full review HERE

This small set is quite diverse both in the origin (acoustic and electronic) and the types of sounds included. It is a mix of percussions and SFX one-shot samples and hits, some with velocity layers. It's not meant to be the definitive anything but these samples can be useful in a wide range of musical settings to add different, varied and unique sonic colors. A good complement to any SFX library.

Samples are grouped in folders and you will find below a description of each folder. Kits by folder for Kontakt 3 and the soundfont formats are provided. The kits are mainly designed to let users easily audition the samples of each folder.

Folders description:   
- Acoustic (67 samples): 52 samples of a Snoopy Jaw Harp, 7 samples of 2 different handbells and a few others.
- FX (147 samples): collection of various electronic SFX that can be further divided in the following categories, Machines and Electricity, Spacy and Others. Note that there's a subfolder with 20 of the samples looped.
- Perc (25 samples): some electronic percussions.
- Vel layers (159 samples): mix of electronic percussions/FX with velocity layers.
- Vocoder (72 samples): short vocal FX made with the MicroKorg.

Note that many samples could fit in more than one category, for instance all the vocoder samples could also be in the FX category. There are some stereo samples indicated by "st" at the end of their names.

View the new PDF for more info about the NanoStudio 2 format!

16 bits, 44.1 kHz
- wav
- sfz
- soundfont
- NanoStudio 2
- NI Battery 3 or better
- NI Kontakt 3 or better (full version, not the free player) 

470 samples, 32.6 MB

Mystery (Jaw Harp + vocoder)
Mystery random (Jaw Harp)
Electronic percussions

Dark ambient vibe with the Spacebirds, Machines and Vocoder:
- Into the Spacebirds Shop

Two examples of a single Jaw Harp sample played quickly with a random 12 steps pitch variation:
- Example 02
- Example 05

Pattern with various sounds, bass is from Prepared Rhodes:
- Honky Funk Plus

jawharp audio samples

Out There sample set, $3.99 USD (includes all formats)

NOTE : previous buyers of the Out There set can email me and, after verification, they will receive the NanoStudio 2 format for free!
Also available from Loot Audio, HERE

There will be no refunds, so please try the demos before buying. All products are downloadable. After we received confirmation of your payment, we will email you the link or links to download your products. This will usually be within one business day.

If you live in Canada the appropriate sales taxes will be automatically added to your order.

© 2020 Les Productions Zvon - All Rights Reserved