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Here's a summary of each of the 48 monthly reward packs available so far, most packs have more info included in their download. They are diverse and unique with acoustic percussions, found sounds, sounds from vintage Public Domain TV shows and ads, processed and electronic sounds. Most were never released before.

They are exclusively available to those who support me on Patreon by joining as a paying member.
You can join for as little as $1 a month (and can cancel at any time). As the details of the rewards and membership levels may change at anytime, please visit my Patreon page for the most current info.

 Starting February 2025, when becoming my patron, you get the reward packs released since that date, so beginning with pack 49.

47 packs of my first four Patreon years (Feb 2021 to Jan 2025) are still exclusively available to my patrons and new patrons can buy them at a reduced price if they want them, but no obligation to do so.

Note: This list may not always be up-to-date, the latest months may still have to added to it. Sorry for the delay!

Video above features samples from the first 12 packs, combined they have 1189 samples (406 MB).

Important note: even if some packs include mapping for a specific sampler or app, this is in no way general and the packs are essentially a collection of one-shot wav files!

Pack 01, February 2021
Toy plastic drum (13 samples), a hand cymbal (33 samples) and 4 samples from Public Domain TV ads.
50 WAV files (20.3 MB)

Pack 02, March 2021
Samples from the first half of an episode of the 1950's Robin Hood TV show (now Public Domain).
Like all the Memory Collection packs, the samples include voice/spoken word/dialogs, sfx/foley and music.
86 samples (32.9 MB)

Pack 03, April 2021
Sounds from the second half of the Robin Hood episode above.
64 samples (25.7 MB)

Pack 04, May 2021
Cool found sounds I recorded!
Doorstop, the type with a coiled metallic spring. They often have a nice twanggg!
And some sounds from around a hen house, including footsteps, opening and closing door, various noises and the rooster!
103 WAV files (20.6 MB)

Pack 05, June 2021
Samples from a few TV ads from the 50's and 60's including two for Univac, the first commercially available computer in the mid 50's. And a few samples that were not used in Memory Collection 01 and 02.
86 WAV files (30 MB)

Pack 06, July 2021
Sounds from hydrophone recordings, mostly in a swimming pool and a few samples from 2 other sources, a kitchen sink and a 4 liters plastic bottle.
108 WAV files (44.5 MB), most are stereo.

Pack 07, August 2021
Samples from the first half of an episode of the 1950's Robin Hood TV show (now Public Domain). It’s the one where Robin meets Marian.
134 samples (45 MB)

Pack 08, September 2021
Sounds from the second half of the Robin Hood episode above.
109 samples (53 MB).

Pack 09, October 2021
Cool sounds I recorded, all previously unreleased:
small handbellls, a cymbal, chair spindles, various noises and handling noises from the recording session.
106 WAV files (44.6 MB)

Pack 10, November 2021
This pack includes 4 different collections. In addition to the wav files, it has 34 instruments and 1 multi for Native Instruments Kontakt 3.5 and 9 sfz definition files.
 - Black Swan bell: small handbell recorded and processed through a Nintendo DSi, guaranteed LoFi! 
- Cheap Bells: Two handbells bought at a dollar store for the Holidays. Contrary to the Black Swan bell, it's the bells that are cheap not the recordings. Includes single hits and hand ringings.

- Honks: Samples made with 2 different vehicle horns, 17 honks with or without the sound of the air  pump release and 3 "air" samples. The air pump release can easily be trimmed if you don't want it, as I did with Honk 14 that has the 2 versions. This pack also contains some Kontakt 3 mappings and processing including random pitch variations and 4 melodic Honks.
- Spindle Chair: Collection of samples made by hitting the spindles of a wooden chair with a drum stick. Was recorded simultaneously in stereo and mono with 2 different recorders. Thus both sets of samples sound different. There are 19 patterns and 16 single hits, the hits are NOT extracted from the patterns. Kontakt 3 mapping of the single hits has the Harp Glissando script in the performance view. The patterns are not mapped.
170 samples (22 MB)

Pack 11, December 2021
Sounds from 2 Public Domain Christmas cartoons.
60 jolly samples (65.1 MB), Ho Ho Ho!

Pack 12, January 2022
Various unusual percussion sounds that I sampled. All are wav files, no other format included.

- Two bamboo wind chimes: single hits and random sequences created by hand.
- 8 hits from a children drum kit, both natural and processed versions for a total of 15 samples.
- Horseshoes: including single hits, hitting one against the other and multitaps.
-  And some crunchy noises made during the recording sessions!

A few variations that are compressed, stretched or otherwise processed to create more dramatic  sounds are also offered.
113 samples (47.1 MB)

Pack 13, February 2022
Includes more various unusual percussion and found sounds that I recorded, all previously  unreleased. Wav files only, no other format included.

 - Bicycle bell with muted samples (placed my hand on casing to reduce the sound).
 - Hits on the aluminium cup of a trumpet mute.
 - Rubber duck.
- Tennis shots (hit by yours truly).
-  And a few noises made during the recording sessions!

58 original "natural" samples (13.9 MB) and 80 pitched-down, stretched and/or compressed versions of some samples to create impressive and more dramatic sounds.
Total of 138 samples (108 MB)

Pack 14, March 2022
Samples from 4 Public Domain newsreels from the 1960’s. There are several stories including a peace protest and 3 space conquest stories including John Glenn's historic orbital flight.

The source videos are old and the sound quality is not the best. Contrary to the Memory Collection packs, the samples are not classified in folders. All have the same narrator with various background musics. 68 samples (53.4 MB)

Pack 15, April 2022
A special treat for this pack, some of the very first sounds I released commercially!
This was back in 2003 on the original of the Sound Effects Library. They were never available on my  website and as the original SFX lib ceased its operations in 2015, they have not been available since. In fact I had kind of forgotten them and when I wanted to listen to them, I had to search through my backup CD’s.

I found some great loops and SFX and they are included in this pack, basic vibe is SciFi. Some of the sounds were the basis for later sets, like the jawharp and vocoder samples that led to the creation of the Out There sample set.

 - 13 unique loops, great starting points for unusual ambiences!
 - 6 jawharp samples
 - 6 vocoder (MicroKorg) samples.
-  And synth SciFi SFXs!

Total of 53 samples (93.7 MB) including 10 previously unreleased ones. Most samples are stereo.
Wav files and a Koala Sampler kit of 16 samples with 3 sequences.

Pack 16, May 2022
Samples are from the first half of an episode of the 1950's Robin Hood TV show, the one in which he  helps Queen Eleanor.

83 samples (28.7 MB), like all the Memory Collection packs, the samples are classified in folders and they include voice/spoken word/dialogs, sfx/foley and music.
- SFX Plus : sound effects, music and everything that is not specifically a speech sample

Pack 17, June 2022
Samples from the second part of the Robin Hood episode above.
76 samples (58,4 MB).

All new samples and NOT part of any other Memory Collection pack.

Pack 18, July 2022
Two different sets in this pack (number 18).
1 - Recordings of a small triangle with 9 natural samples and 26 stretched and pitched down versions to create deep low tones and strange ambiences.
2 - As you may have seen, I released 2 free kits for Fred Anton Corverst Drumkit app.
Drumkit voices combines a drum synth and a sample player. The sample player has several controls to modify the playback of the samples. This means that the sound heard for each voice can be quite different (or not) from the source sample.

To better illustrate this, I have sampled FAC Drumkit’s output and you will find in this pack the 16 sampled voices for each kit and their respective original samples so they can easily be compared. They both have the same names except that the sampled voices have “FAC” at the end of their names, like this:
Sampled voice: 01_vocalfx_1_FAC.wav
Original sample: 01_vocalfx_1.WAV

So you can enjoy the sounds even if you do not own FAC Drumkit, and if you do, the kits are freely available on PatchStorage:

99 samples (41 MB), three samples are duplicates because they were used more than once in the kits. So there are 96 unique samples.
Pack 19, August 2022
Sounds from recordings I made of acoustic sources, no synths or computer generated sounds!

Most are stereo and some have pitched down and/or stretched versions as sound manipulation examples. All are previously unreleased.

Objects sampled are two alarm clocks (names beginning with c), a wooden frog percussion instrument, a flashlight that is recharged with a crank, a furnace grate and a kind of toy that produces bouncy hits!

Many samples are long and can be trimmed and edited to create shorter hits suitable for sequencing and kit creation.

A small but punchy collection of unusual SFX, ambient hits and dramatic noises.
Total of 68 wav files (82 MB).

Pack 20, September 2022
Samples are from 10 vintage TV ads part of the Prelinger Archives.
The 2 calculator ads are probably from the 70’s, the 4 toothpaste and the 4 shampoo ones are from the 50’s and early 60’s.

Note that the toothpaste and shampoo ads are full of the stereotypes of their time in the USA. Meaning married women do not work, stay at home and take care of the kids. 

My Memory Collection disclaimer is even more true here:
"Some samples may reflect stereotypes and prejudice of their times and original creators. They may express racial prejudice, sexism, social stereotypes, ignorance and/or poor knowledge of other cultures (for instance accents that are deemed insulting today).
The views and opinions expressed in these are those of their original creators and do not reflect my opinions."

But they're fun to use in absurd context like I did in this short video example.

Pack has 60 samples (20 MB)

Pack 21, October 2022
Halloween special pack for this month!
Two different groups of samples: original creations and a selection of samples taken from Public Domain movies and TV shows.

This collection was briefly available for Halloween 2010 and most of the Memory Collection samples are from MC 01. BUT, I have revisited all the MC 01 samples, cleaned them further and added a new unreleased one. I have also added 14 samples from Memory Collection 08.

Even if the Memory Collection samples are also available in their respective packs, this is a special Halloween selection!

The original samples are from 2 sources. First an ambient track I made in 2002 and the others are heavily processed vocoder (MicroKorg) samples of my voice. Included formats are wav, Battery 3 kits, Kontakt 3 instruments and soundfont. These and the included and brand new elf-audio Koala kit used in the video demo are not available anywhere else.

Pack has 106 samples (29 MB)

Pack 22, November 2022
63 samples (35 MB) from a Public Domain TV show from the 1960's. It's a Thanksgiving episode!

In this video, I am using the sample manager AudioShare (iOS) from Kymatica to jump from 1 sample to another.

Pack 23, December 2022

 - Christmas Mini Pack 02
18 samples from 2 PD toy ads (8 MB).
This mini pack is the first part of my Patreon Reward pack 23 (December 2022).

- 16 stereo samples (37 MB) from 3 different music boxes I own. They all play Jingle Bells but box 1 is at a faster tempo.
The five longer samples are playing the tune, one is the recording of winding up the first music box, the others are glitches and recording noises. They include both dry and processed versions.

The Musicbox Koala song file used in the Weird Jingling Christmas Sonic Experiment video is also included.

Pack has 34 samples (45 MB)

Pack 24, January 2023

52 samples (42.9 MB) from a promo for the 1963 new line of toys from the Gilbert Toy Company.

Collage of screenshots from the ad.

Toy ads collage

Most have demo videos on YouTube.

Summary continues HERE

Pattern with samples from packs 13 to 19!