Prepared EP mobile version
(soundfont and wav files)
The sampled instrument
is a real electric piano that was prepared as John Cage
and others prepared an acoustic piano. That means
inserting springs, plastic tubes, pins, all kinds of
objects inside the piano. These objects when touching
the strings or the tines change the sound of each key
played. All the notes can be radically different from
each other and often the original sound is not even
recognizable. The result is an instrument that is much
more percussive in nature.
The set includes a soundfont with 67 instruments and 79
samples in wav format. Added in november 2019: two sets of
kits, one for EG Pulse drum machine/sampler and one for
NanoStudio 2 Slate instrument.
The demo set has a 16
instruments soundfont and 16 samples. View or download
The more extensive
computer version (wav, different soundfonts, Native
Instruments Battery 3 and Kontakt 3) is HERE. The mobile version can be
bought by itself or it is also now bundled with the
computer version.
Buy the Mobile version only for $1.99 USD: