List by folder of the samples included in the Memory Collection Pack 15 - Puzzles by Les Productions Zvon, December 2024 ______________________________________ This pack has features 1 281 audio samples (1.2 GB) from a selection of Public Domain films and TV show, a mix of mystery, crime, horror, comedy, sci-fi with a bit Christmas spirit for good measure! See the included PDF doc for more info. ______________________________________ Zvon Visit our website for more sample sets. Don't forget to also try the Memory Collection Sample Packs 01 to 14. email: Web site: Patreon: YouTube Channel: Instagram: KVR User Forum: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ FX (154 files) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ BM_012_noisy seq.wav BM_014_handling soup.wav BM_018_cigar box.wav BM_024_opening drawer.wav BM_024_opening drawer_NR2.wav BM_026_closing drawer.wav BM_027_phone ring_1940s.wav BM_029_stairs.wav BM_070_knock.wav BM_071_funny noise.wav BM_071_funny noise_NR2.wav BM_073_triple knock.wav BM_076_triple knocks.wav BM_079_scratchy noises.wav BM_080_door.wav BM_090_noisy knock.wav BM_092_knock.wav BM_096_mysterious noise.wav BM_097_noise seq.wav BM_099_hanging up phone.wav BM_103_strange cat.wav BM_122_two noises.wav BM_123_car leaving.wav BM_135_soup pot.wav BM_136_soup pot.wav BM_137_soup pot.wav BM_154_big knock.wav BM_161_hanging up phone.wav BM_175_door buzzer.wav BM_184_person falling.wav BM_185_desk drawers.wav BM_186_desk drawer.wav CN_003_corpse in hearse.wav CN_020_car stops.wav CN_021_car door knocks.wav CN_022_doorknocks.wav CN_027_doorknocks.wav CN_028_noises seq.wav CN_030_bang_sigh.wav CN_030_window knocks.wav CN_034_motorcycles.wav CN_035_car starting.wav CN_049_small truck.wav CN_056_knock.wav CN_059_crispy noises.wav CN_064_truck.wav CN_071_car at gate.wav CN_073_strange funny noise.wav CN_079_noises.wav CN_090_storm.wav CN_092_thunder.wav CN_093_opening drape.wav CN_118_door.wav CN_128_car stopping.wav CN_165_crunchy noises.wav CN_174_funn spectral noise.wav CN_180_click_knock.wav CN_188_door.wav CN_189_noises door.wav CN_191_doorknocks.wav CN_193_locked door.wav FX OH7_084_applause.wav SK_004_footsteps.wav SK_011_door knocks.wav SK_012_soft door noises.wav SK_050_car.wav SK_069_ notebook thrown on desk.wav SK_070_footsteps_door.wav SK_086_car door.wav SK_095_footsteps door.wav SK_111_birds.wav SK_117_opening closing desk drawer.wav SK_122_door closing.wav SK_123a_funny tick.wav SK_137a_opening bottle.wav SK_154_phone ring 1940s.wav SK_155_paper noise.wav SK_157_noises.wav SK_157_noises_NR2.wav SK_158_car drive.wav SK_163_closing drawer.wav SK_164 dangling hanger.wav SK_166_crispy footsteps.wav SK_166_crispy footsteps_NR2.wav SK_166_crispy footsteps_NR3.wav SP5_029_spaceship.wav SP5_038_footsteps.wav SP5_056_small knock.wav SP5_062_short vocal sounds.wav SP5_070_footsteps.wav SP5_072_footsteps_noisy.wav SP5_087_blasting off.wav SP5_094_preparing shot.wav TT_004_magazine noise.wav TT_010_knock on desk_magazine.wav TT_016_doorknocks_come in.wav TT_043_opening door.wav TT_060_funny gasp.wav TT_088_blow dart.wav TT_090_blow dart.wav TT_090_blow dart_NR2.wav TT_093_blow dart.wav TT_093_blow dart_NR2.wav TT_094a_dart.wav TT_108a_doorbell 1930s.wav TT_110_blowdart.wav TT_114_unlocking door.wav TT_115_gunshot.wav TT_116_closing door.wav TT_117_blowdart.wav TT_181_door closing.wav TT_182_door.wav TT_195_closing panel.wav TT_203_door closing.wav TT_204_beginning transmission.wav TT_204_beginning transmission_NR2.wav TT_206_transmission.wav TT_206_transmission_NR2.wav TT_208_transmission.wav TT_208_transmission_NR2.wav TT_220_funny vocal noise.wav TT_221_phone ringing.wav TT_233_funny door noises.wav TT_235_door triple.wav TT_253_truck stopping.wav TT_256_door.wav TT_257_sliding door.wav TT_282_double click.wav TT_283_triple door.wav TT_288_closing lid.wav TT_289_working tools.wav TT_299_door.wav TT_316_door.wav TT_317_door.wav TT_320_opening package.wav TT_335_doorknocks.wav TT_346_noisy clicks.wav TT_356_funny squeak.wav TT_367_phone dialing.wav TT_369_strange whistle.wav TT_390_hanging up phone.wav TT_395_opening door.wav TT_396_door noise_strange.wav TT_419_fun vocal sound.wav TT_421_doorknocks.wav TT_422_trying open door.wav TT_428_fight_turn on switch.wav TT_429_fight_TV machine on.wav TT_431_look_fight.wav TT_434_fight.wav TT_435_heavy noise.wav TT_437_mad driving.wav TT_439_mad driving.wav TT_441_car stopping.wav _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Hybrids (291 files) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Ads - subfolder OH7_ad1_01_harp arpeggio_tender light.wav OH7_ad1_02_old family secret.wav OH7_ad1_03_secret is out.wav OH7_ad1_04_sausages hide in pancake.wav OH7_ad1_05_simple delicious.wav OH7_ad1_06_shake pour batter.wav OH7_ad1_07_more have flipped.wav OH7_ad1_08_than any other pancakes.wav OH7_ad1_09_light tender.wav OH7_ad1_10_if like pancakes.wav OH7_ad2_01_to remind you of last christmas.wav OH7_ad2_02_love happiness joy of christmas.wav OH7_ad2_03_can have camera and projector.wav OH7_ad2_04_so family can take movies.wav ---------------------------------------------- BM_040_burglary cue.wav BM_041_dont kill me.wav BM_052_scream.wav BM_058_gunshots_after him.wav BM_060_cue with noises.wav BM_062_doorknocks_come in.wav BM_093_phone ring_yes mother.wav BM_094_well alright_home in hou hanging up.wav BM_102_glory of dead.wav BM_107_great doctor_save from the dead.wav BM_110_nightmare.wav BM_125_pushed from roof.wav BM_126_outraged public.wav BM_145_come in.wav BM_150_enjoy killing.wav BM_151_losing enthusiasm.wav BM_152_Frankie doesnt joke.wav BM_153a_no_gunshot.wav BM_153_crazy nightmare_murder.wav BM_173_there you are.wav BM_195_secret basement cue.wav BM_196_never a word about this.wav BM_197_murderer cue.wav BM_198_cue_criminal fleeing.wav BM_199_prof death.wav BM_200_yes richard_corny sexist cue.wav CN_002_bride dead during wedding.wav CN_004_can go now.wav CN_005a_door.wav CN_006_action cue.wav CN_014_yeah_noises.wav CN_018_old car_make it snappy.wav CN_019_are you kiddin.wav CN_023_not a peek.wav CN_038_car_not pass out.wav CN_039_cars_car burning.wav CN_040_may be decoy.wav CN_041_calling all cars.wav CN_042_corpse alright.wav CN_051_little family countess waiting.wav CN_052_suffering my beloved.wav CN_053_sigh violin.wav CN_054_cue_courage my dear.wav CN_063_coffin_trainstation.wav CN_067_truck leaving_got my bag.wav CN_069_car leaving_Im a reporter.wav CN_072_harmonium_tell your master.wav CN_080_storm.wav CN_081_interview orchids.wav CN_082_where did get it.wav CN_083_stay as guests.wav CN_084_foolish go out storm.wav CN_085_goodnight_meet in study_storm.wav CN_086_guess sleep very good.wav CN_086_very special reason.wav CN_087_slept unusually well.wav CN_091_what do you want.wav CN_096_know where going.wav CN_099_dr foster doorknocks.wav CN_100_horrible creature cue.wav CN_101_where did see him.wav CN_102_menace to us.wav CN_130_case vanishing brides clue.wav CN_131_asleep or hypnotized.wav CN_132_train goodbye.wav CN_144_going for nervous breakdown.wav CN_163_there she is_in club.wav CN_164_phony wedding offer.wav CN_186_door reverend scream.wav CN_190_right back_footsteps.wav CN_194_gunshot_please master dont leave me.wav CN_197_again we meet.wav CN_198_betrayed me master.wav CN_199_betrayed me 2.wav CN_203_cause of it all_end cue.wav OH7_002_americas favorite family.wav OH7_003_enjoy good times.wav OH7_004_everybody taking pictures.wav OH7_005_everything for pictures.wav OH7_006_for everyone on list.wav OH7_007_see them all.wav OH7_008_cameras cost as little.wav OH7_009_enjoy adventures Ozzie Harriet.wav OH7_010_all could dig up.wav OH7_018_if interesting exciting.wav OH7_019_thanks for the records.wav OH7_031_laughs.wav OH7_033_sexy voice switchboard.wav OH7_034_hi Dave.wav OH7_035_am I late right on time.wav OH7_036_nothing exciting.wav OH7_037_kiss me.wav OH7_042a_bowling.wav OH7_042_bowling cue.wav OH7_043_what time pick me up.wav OH7_044_hit with bowling.wav OH7_045_whats going on anyway.wav OH7_046_phone Dobson do you have a dime.wav OH7_047_have change for quarter.wav OH7_048_keep an eye_mystery cue.wav OH7_055a_hanging up payphone.wav OH7_055_can get camera.wav OH7_056_action bowling_cue.wav OH7_057_hurry up cue.wav OH7_058_jazzy cue.wav OH7_059_girl bowling with him.wav OH7_060a_keep the change.wav OH7_060_detective cue follow that car.wav OH7_062_chase lost her.wav OH7_063_sure mother like this.wav OH7_066_barbershop not the guy.wav OH7_068_how many barbershops_isnt that the guy.wav OH7_073_evidence on a case.wav OH7_074_look some pictures.wav OH7_075_wont need this anymore.wav OH7_079_mixed up_great job.wav OH7_080_laughs_am I interrupting.wav OH7_081a_beat_hit_NR2.wav OH7_081_beat_hit_laughs.wav OH7_083_you re wonderful handsome.wav OH7_098_brought on film.wav OH7_099_also present another network.wav OH7_100_photo greetings.wav OH7_101_latest movie.wav OH7_102_prevent forest fires.wav OH7_103_tv network film presentation.wav SK_002_mystery in the city.wav SK_003_oh lady.wav SK_006_dream nightmare.wav SK_007_drama cue.wav SK_009_murder cue.wav SK_013_Janet drama.wav SK_014_suffering shock.wav SK_041_nervous collapse.wav SK_042_car.wav SK_043_good morning doctor.wav SK_045_injection_ready to talk.wav SK_046_ominous interview.wav SK_047_dramatic cue.wav SK_062_hypnosis.wav SK_076_storm.wav SK_077_storm drama.wav SK_078_stormy weekend.wav SK_081_he killed her.wav SK_096_romantic cue.wav SK_112_drama cue_ not crazy.wav SK_116a_door_opening closing.wav SK_116_better get back.wav SK_133_murderers plotting.wav SK_134_murderer conscience.wav SK_135_remember first time.wav SK_142_murderer reminiscing.wav SK_145_shock treatment.wav SK_150_read this doctor.wav SK_151_get dr Cross sanatorium.wav SK_153_hello dr Cross.wav SK_159_only one who knows.wav SK_160_come along may need you.wav SK_162_final dictation_case closed.wav SP5_001_space patrol.wav SP5_002_brought to you cereals.wav SP5_004_standby action_wind.wav SP5_005_boy dream chief assistant.wav SP5_006_power pack grain meteorite.wav SP5_007_way dreams often ends.wav SP5_008_charge up fun power.wav SP5_012_atom bomb 30th century.wav SP5_014_using time drive.wav SP5_015_experimental timeship.wav SP5_016_Cory did it radiation.wav SP5_017_wind desert_tracks stopped.wav SP5_018_Terra 5 under sand.wav SP5_019_good thing I tripped.wav SP5_020_Corry found our ship.wav SP5_021_one missile left.wav SP5_022_inside ship.wav SP5_023_number 6_last missile.wav SP5_024_know where they are.wav SP5_026_nothing worry about.wav SP5_027_all set_still fly.wav SP5_028_not a trace_radiation counter.wav SP5_040_listen geiger counter go.wav SP5_048_gasp_surprise cue.wav SP5_049_are we hot_give a shot.wav SP5_051_who are you_get her.wav SP5_057_drama cue.wav SP5_061a_crickets_footsteps_NR2.wav SP5_061_back to Space Patrol.wav SP5_063_what looking for.wav SP5_065_here comes somebody_sneaking inside phone booth.wav SP5_067_ask about uniforms.wav SP5_071_use phone booth.wav SP5_073a_ironic cue.wav SP5_073_wheres your spaceship.wav SP5_074_quit stalling exposed to radiation.wav SP5_080_still a doctor.wav SP5_081_aboard radioactive ship.wav SP5_082_phone ringing_doesnt answer.wav SP5_083_phone call crickets.wav SP5_083_phone call_NR2.wav SP5_084_woman struggling.wav SP5_085_amazing never seen like it.wav SP5_086_watch him_blasting off.wav SP5_089_terra 5 gone.wav SP5_090a_goodbye_hanging up.wav SP5_091_no time hide under sand.wav SP5_092_radiation counter_cue.wav SP5_095_quick me first_injections.wav SP5_096_smokin rockets_cue.wav SP5_100_contaminated ship in hold_cue.wav SP5_101_close cargo hatch.wav SP5_105_close ports fire jets.wav SP5_106_preview of next adventure.wav SP5_108_Mars to barrier of time.wav SP5_111_scene from next week.wav SP5_113_see what happens galaxy threatened.wav TT_020_will have to be equipment.wav TT_021_wait a minute.wav TT_022_made parts myself.wav TT_036_park here a second.wav TT_065_real bill_immediate payment.wav TT_081_excuse me.wav TT_091_let me out.wav TT_094_just asked for you.wav TT_107_knocking on door_wont get away.wav TT_108_open up its Standish.wav TT_109_keep Turner quie_doorknocks.wav TT_112_get out going to police.wav TT_113_knocking_maybe you re right.wav TT_130_board meeting its true.wav TT_132_figures remain final.wav TT_134a_door closing_funny.wav TT_134_do something fast.wav TT_135_get some aspirin.wav TT_163_sigh_footsteps.wav TT_164_miss blake_cnat stay long.wav TT_194_building TV set cue.wav TT_199_ther we go_trying televisor set.wav TT_213_it works_noisy.wav TT_216_giggling_noises.wav TT_230_goodbye_hanging up.wav TT_250_loaning truck_driving.wav TT_251_footbal field_ready to go.wav TT_252_footbal field_crowd.wav TT_254_sliding door.wav TT_255_I ll take it up.wav TT_264_marching band_all set.wav TT_265_crowd_Im broadcasting.wav TT_267_unusual looking device.wav TT_268_annouce game myself.wav TT_269_crowd football game.wav TT_270_whos broadcasting.wav TT_272_football game_crowd.wav TT_275_men talking_please be patient.wav TT_276_football game.wav TT_277_what was that.wav TT_302_door_hello Bobbi.wav TT_306_oh yeah.wav TT_307_cathode ray tube.wav TT_319_delivery_full scene.wav TT_321_good ol Rocky.wav TT_322_hello_been shopping.wav TT_334_wonder who sent it.wav TT_343_like see mr Curtis.wav TT_366_may leave note.wav TT_377_did see Curtis.wav TT_413_bad guys in car.wav TT_417_preposterous_better than that.wav TT_418_keep motor running wont be long.wav TT_420_not answering trap shut.wav TT_426_woman shout_fight begins.wav TT_433_best TV_staged fight.wav TT_436_step on it.wav TT_438_what a fight.wav TT_440_smashed the machine.wav TT_442_end of car chase and fight.wav TT_443_do duty.wav _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Music (31 files) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ BM_001_title.wav BM_002_jailbreak.wav BM_059_chase cue.wav BM_127_lively drama cue.wav BM_201_end cue.wav CN_001_title_wedding bells.wav CN_008_action cue.wav CN_048_sinister cue.wav CN_050_sinister cue.wav CN_094_eerie cue 1.wav CN_095_eerie cue_2 shorter.wav CN_097_eerie cue 3.wav CN_098_monster love cue.wav CN_103_eerie cue 4.wav CN_104_threathening cue1.wav CN_105_threathening cue 2.wav CN_106_threathening cue 3.wav CN_107_death of Angel.wav CN_119_strange soft cue.wav CN_182_wedding organ.wav CN_195_lively drama.wav OH7_001_intro.wav OH7_067_when the Saints.wav OH7_072_more detective cue.wav OH7_082_soft sax.wav OH7_097_end music.wav SK_001_title.wav SK_165_the end.wav TT_001_title.wav TT_087_cue_blow dart at end.wav TT_448_end title.wav _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Speech Female_Kids (340 files) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ BM_011_bandage for you_in good hand.wav BM_016_swell guy.wav BM_043_feeding hungry husband.wav BM_045_another present.wav BM_046_they are beautiful.wav BM_047_costed a lot.wav BM_048_not jewels I want.wav BM_049_so lonesome at time.wav BM_050_good morning.wav BM_051_invigorating springwater.wav BM_063_nurse Douglas.wav BM_066_see it that way.wav BM_067_let me take care.wav BM_068_wont hurt you.wav BM_069_right this way.wav BM_072_come on.wav BM_074_just sit down.wav BM_075_how this happened.wav BM_077_nice hot soup.wav BM_089_police looking for someone.wav BM_108_home any moment.wav BM_109_Richard dear boy.wav BM_138_paper on underprivileged.wav BM_155_Judy.wav BM_156_didnt come home last night.wav BM_157_its true.wav BM_158_I ll call back.wav BM_159_saw him in bowery.wav BM_160_go to police.wav BM_162_how well know Wagner_disappearances.wav BM_163_see Wagner right away.wav BM_164_something done right away.wav BM_165_no.wav BM_166_is that him.wav BM_167_did you know him.wav BM_169_fun vocal sound.wav BM_170_fun vocal sound.wav BM_171_is this professor's office.wav BM_172_ detective Crawford.wav BM_174_police to see you.wav BM_176_talk husband.wav BM_177_dont be alarmed.wav BM_178_lovely picture.wav BM_179_thats carl wagner.wav BM_180_double life.wav BM_181_to HQ for questionning.wav BM_187_where did come from_dialog.wav BM_188_Im your friend doc.wav BM_189_get prescription filled.wav BM_190_show whats in there.wav BM_192_do me favor.wav BM_193_sorry to break up game.wav BM_194_dont tell a soul.wav CN_005_kidnapping dead bride.wav CN_009_proceed as planned protection.wav CN_010_much ado about nothing.wav CN_011_is wedding off.wav CN_013_what id drops dead.wav CN_015_what if get clue.wav CN_016_afraid go wrong.wav CN_017_oh Helen.wav CN_024_last few minutes alone.wav CN_025a_doorknocks.wav CN_025_about to lose me.wav CN_026_unusual orchid.wav CN_029_minister ready.wav CN_031_say prayer.wav CN_032_look fainted.wav CN_036_just phoned news.wav CN_037_What doing with_maube a clue.wav CN_045_wore this orchid.wav CN_046_great responsibility.wav CN_047_perhaps coincidence.wav CN_055_shout of pain.wav CN_057_orchid like that.wav CN_058_why beat my son.wav CN_060_you re beautiful.wav CN_061_never saw orchid like that.wav CN_062_wish find out more.wav CN_066_got to see professor.wav CN_068_giving me a lift.wav CN_070_what type of people.wav CN_075_grant interview.wav CN_076_not welcome.wav CN_077_call being excentric.wav CN_078_dont like that girl.wav CN_088_how well know these people.wav CN_089_keeping from work goodnight.wav CN_108_good morning mrs Hunter.wav CN_109_up all night with dead people.wav CN_110_most horrible experience.wav CN_111_mausoleum in basement.wav CN_112_horrible dead creature.wav CN_113_had bad dream.wav CN_114_when did see all this.wav CN_115_darnest nightmare.wav CN_116_orchid gone.wav CN_117_wii be down soon.wav CN_120_get back to city.wav CN_121_what about interview.wav CN_122_excuse me countess.wav CN_123_collecting coffins.wav CN_124_thank you for hospitality.wav CN_126_gravedigger is real.wav CN_127_you re trusting soul.wav CN_129_enjoyed meeting you mrs.wav CN_136_got something_uncovered.wav CN_137_not so fast gruesome experience.wav CN_140_found these in bedroom.wav CN_141_saw bodies missing brides.wav CN_142_important I see her.wav CN_143_maybe more evidence.wav CN_145_almost beat me here.wav CN_147_maybe it is a clue.wav CN_153_cataleptic state.wav CN_155_glands hormones life health.wav CN_157_fantastic story.wav CN_159_trap the fellow.wav CN_160_be a June bride.wav CN_162_cant pass opportunity.wav CN_166_most unusual type.wav CN_167_June 28th.wav CN_168_master keep hearing my son.wav CN_169_trap all set.wav CN_171_cherish or obey.wav CN_172_marked the words_good cause.wav CN_173_been grand reverend.wav CN_175_go get ready.wav CN_176_here goes nothing.wav CN_178_ceremony to begin.wav CN_179_sent orchid.wav CN_181_there you are.wav CN_183_is that proposal.wav CN_184_minister speak to you.wav CN_185_thank you be right back.wav CN_192_oh Pat.wav CN_196_what waiting for.wav CN_200_scared to death.wav OH7_011_sorry cant make it.wav OH7_012_sure cant stop by.wav OH7_013_sounds crazy exam Monday.wav OH7_014_should be easy.wav OH7_015_yeah.wav OH7_016_cases investigating.wav OH7_017_investigating dangerous.wav OH7_024_neither did I.wav OH7_025_nothing dangerous.wav OH7_049_Is something matter.wav OH7_050_are you sure.wav OH7_051_take picture of him.wav OH7_052_admissible in court.wav OH7_053_studying be lawyer.wav OH7_054_worth a try.wav OH7_064_date tonight.wav SK_005_cant stay here.wav SK_008_ask for divorce.wav SK_048_you did it.wav SK_049_only way out.wav SK_061_resting easily now.wav SK_064_shes exhausted.wav SK_065_no one to receive.wav SK_066_when are you leaving.wav SK_067_might discover.wav SK_068_not thinking clearly.wav SK_085a_mrs cross dead.wav SK_087_deepest sympathy.wav SK_088_heartbroken husband.wav SK_089_thinking about you.wav SK_090_satisfactory answer.wav SK_091_how did things go.wav SK_092_got out during storm.wav SK_093_undoes everything.wav SK_094_I see commited.wav SK_097_lt Stewart.wav SK_098_shouldnt be here.wav SK_099_killed his wife.wav SK_102_dont leave me here.wav SK_104_Mrs Penny delusions.wav SK_105_all murderers_too smart for you.wav SK_114_worked out as planned.wav SK_118_feeling any better.wav SK_119_supposed to have killed.wav SK_120_losing your mind.wav SK_121_from district attorney.wav SP5_009_alphabet.wav SP5_010_taste good to me.wav SP5_011_get your cereal today.wav SP5_034_not get chance.wav SP5_037_dr with you soon.wav SP5_060_ready real action.wav TT_011_Dennis live here.wav TT_012_owes us money.wav TT_014_really think so.wav TT_015_get rent for me.wav TT_035_good day mr Dennis.wav TT_047_back to that place no.wav TT_048_could use million dollars.wav TT_049_hawk fur coat.wav TT_050_isnt first time broke.wav TT_051_phony gadget.wav TT_052_fair weather friend.wav TT_053_stick with you Bobby.wav TT_054_call clientele chump.wav TT_055_great line again.wav TT_056_see mr Blake.wav TT_057_not selling anything.wav TT_058_sigh.wav TT_059_here collect the bill.wav TT_062_secretary sais you werent in.wav TT_063_bill for you_cheque in the mail.wav TT_064_fifteen thousand wont pay.wav TT_066_considerably less than 15K.wav TT_067_intrigued by diagram.wav TT_068_about that bill.wav TT_069_not a bill collector.wav TT_070_great personnal ambition.wav TT_071_interesting make a living.wav TT_072_and about that bill.wav TT_073_outline invention.wav TT_074_invention television_new theory.wav TT_075_can you prove theory.wav TT_076_interested advance television.wav TT_077_glad to explain to you.wav TT_078_if does what you say.wav TT_079_have you a manager.wav TT_080a_doorknocks.wav TT_080_opportunity knocks but once.wav TT_083_wanted meet you for long time.wav TT_084_swell invention_tremendous possibilities.wav TT_085_protect from thieves and promoters.wav TT_086_money to finish machine.wav TT_119_was there on business.wav TT_120_dont really think machine is good.wav TT_121_television sweeping the country.wav TT_122_ton of bricks.wav TT_123_loks like a million.wav TT_124_pretty impressive fellow.wav TT_136_ms Blake see you.wav TT_137_will see you now.wav TT_138_what do you want this time.wav TT_140_wasnt my fault.wav TT_142_you dont trust me.wav TT_143_wonderful news for you.wav TT_145_tell you on condition.wav TT_146_greatest invention_TV set.wav TT_147_cost me to find out.wav TT_149_wont take know for answer.wav TT_150_going convince you.wav TT_151_charge to charity.wav TT_152_first perfect TV machine.wav TT_156_money where get it.wav TT_156_where have you been.wav TT_157_wasnt easy_fast talking.wav TT_158_8 course dinner Ritz.wav TT_159_hold another hor.wav TT_160_not smart at all.wav TT_161_hurry up get dressed.wav TT_162_table at Ritz.wav TT_165_glad to see you.wav TT_166_backer for invention.wav TT_167_cash advance_its a start.wav TT_169_big things ahead.wav TT_172_talk as if cant fail.wav TT_173_one way looking at it.wav TT_174_how much to finish machine.wav TT_176_didnt expect all at once.wav TT_178_strange coincidence.wav TT_180_mere 200dollars.wav TT_183_is that you.wav TT_184_ringside table Ritz.wav TT_185_if hungry start cooking.wav TT_186_tell me Im wrong.wav TT_187_take the take_goofy inventor.wav TT_188_couldnt help it.wav TT_189_wish been there.wav TT_190_isnt that oretty_fallin for guy.wav TT_191_ever had any that was.wav TT_192_stop arhuing like kids.wav TT_193_how want eggs.wav TT_215_Mr dennis.wav TT_217_neighbors complaining.wav TT_218_gone crazy.wav TT_222_yeah Fred.wav TT_224_wait dont lalk so fast.wav TT_225_is he sick_keep quiet.wav TT_228_sure no murder.wav TT_231_now about the rent.wav TT_234_wake up we re rich.wav TT_262_nothing to worry.wav TT_287_pick up pieces.wav TT_293_too late commit suicide.wav TT_294_fool throw away 200.wav TT_295_believe in miracles.wav TT_296_dont rub it in.wav TT_297_good looking sincere.wav TT_298_blaming myself.wav TT_300_hunting season on.wav TT_301_yeah.wav TT_303_something happened_crossed wires.wav TT_304_people crossing wires.wav TT_305_machine bust can be repaired.wav TT_308_im business woman_demo failed.wav TT_309_took gamble_lost.wav TT_314_lets forget it.wav TT_318_what cryin about.wav TT_323_bought this rag.wav TT_324_wheres fur coat.wav TT_325_aint see money yet.wav TT_327_do you think got it.wav TT_336_hey what is this.wav TT_338_machine is fixed.wav TT_339_go see Curtis.wav TT_342_worth a try.wav TT_344_dont want see them again.wav TT_345_I told you.wav TT_347_matter great importance.wav TT_348_well if urgent.wav TT_349_TV machine perfect condition.wav TT_351_in the bag_shot at same time.wav TT_355_names of directors.wav TT_357_all from Missouri.wav TT_364_sleep on doorstep.wav TT_371_stranglehold_cradlehold.wav TT_372_what happened to father.wav TT_372_what happened to father_NR2.wav TT_375_what did you do.wav TT_378_its a lie.wav TT_378_its a lie_NR2.wav TT_379_calling meeting of board.wav TT_380_not a word.wav TT_385_get it May.wav TT_386_what I say.wav TT_410_made phone calls_teelegram too.wav TT_415_what say when show starts.wav TT_416_only couple of minutes.wav TT_423a_hanging up phone.wav TT_423_hello aint here.wav TT_424_hes not there.wav TT_446_is that all can think of.wav TT_447_funny gasp.wav _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Speech Male (465 files) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ BM_003_shouldnt smoke that.wav BM_004_no questions asked.wav BM_005_there it is.wav BM_006_runs it soft touch.wav BM_007_brought needy friend.wav BM_008_food body comfort mind.wav BM_009_what happened to hand.wav BM_010_what about the soup.wav BM_013_take bowl soup.wav BM_015_I ll take it off.wav BM_017_what about a smoke_nice cigar.wav BM_019_help yourself.wav BM_020_real havana.wav BM_021_got wires crossed.wav BM_022_step in private office.wav BM_023_show something interesting.wav BM_025_you are Fingers Dolan.wav BM_028_all in past.wav BM_030_did you bring package.wav BM_031_stuff is slow death.wav BM_032_dr my eye.wav BM_033_will become clear.wav BM_034_thought still doing time.wav BM_035_glad see you son.wav BM_036_bring friends together.wav BM_037_join partnership.wav BM_038_sure.wav BM_039_how do you like that.wav BM_042_good morning.wav BM_044_surprise for you.wav BM_053_homocidal maniac.wav BM_054_on their toes.wav BM_055_strange laugh.wav BM_056_paranoia.wav BM_057_anti social_life of crime.wav BM_061_give me captain.wav BM_064_get them regardless.wav BM_065_unfortunate souls.wav BM_078_take a look pool hall.wav BM_081_what can I do.wav BM_082_police after you.wav BM_083_not betray you.wav BM_084_who is there.wav BM_085_safe here.wav BM_086_keeping door lock.wav BM_087_something wrong dangerous killer.wav BM_088_show around.wav BM_091_keep eyes open.wav BM_095_difference my intelligence.wav BM_098_hello_be right out.wav BM_100_join my organisation.wav BM_101_aint afraid now.wav BM_104_cat desecrating graves.wav BM_105_their work done.wav BM_106_dont take too long.wav BM_108a_always late.wav BM_111_ladies and gentlemen.wav BM_111_ladies and gentlemen_NR2.wav BM_112_know little about real people.wav BM_113_very unscientific.wav BM_114_thanks a lot professor.wav BM_115_Crawford reporting sent for me sir.wav BM_116_turn in your shield.wav BM_117_first assignment.wav BM_118_good luck boy.wav BM_119_hi class job.wav BM_120_each day surprises.wav BM_121_be all set.wav BM_124_get the idea now.wav BM_128_chief on warpath.wav BM_129_want bowery searched.wav BM_130_how would you know slummer.wav BM_131_down on luck.wav BM_132_funny vocal sound.wav BM_133_look like a tramp.wav BM_134_how much for suit.wav BM_139_what kind of people.wav BM_140_look at this.wav BM_141_announce coming out.wav BM_142a_loud click.wav BM_142_whats matter illeterate.wav BM_143_mistaken young man.wav BM_144_know yopu anyplace.wav BM_146_keep it secret.wav BM_147_why bolt door.wav BM_148_private office.wav BM_149_homicidal maniac.wav BM_168_fell from tall building.wav BM_182_discovered Brenner is Wagner.wav BM_183_mrs Brenner.wav BM_191_what have you got_card game.wav CN_012_want plenty photographs.wav CN_014 keep talking .wav CN_043_change headline.wav CN_044_so its you.wav CN_065_get off stay off.wav CN_074_good evening professor countess.wav CN_125_trust meet again.wav CN_133_print story.wav CN_134_have it developed.wav CN_135_tell him get back.wav CN_138_dreamed received a raise.wav CN_139_go on with dream story.wav CN_146_story about dr Lorenz.wav CN_148_somnambulistic state.wav CN_149_hypnotist and horticulturist.wav CN_150_unlimited talents strange.wav CN_151_how about his wife.wav CN_152_curious fact about her.wav CN_154_human guinea pigs.wav CN_156_glands in our body.wav CN_158 track it down.wav CN_161_harebrained scheme.wav CN_170_hope you re right.wav CN_177_how everything going.wav CN_187_wheres Pat.wav CN_201_pronounce you man and wife.wav CN_202_finally made newspaper woman.wav OH7_020_thanks a lot.wav OH7_021_know darn well.wav OH7_022_make you irresistible.wav OH7_023_nothing pa.wav OH7_026_send to library.wav OH7_027_accident cases.wav OH7_028_fake accidents insurance.wav OH7_029_I imagine so.wav OH7_030_how think doing.wav OH7_032_funny vocal sound.wav OH7_038_be in touch.wav OH7_039_take it easy with arm.wav OH7_040_could be bluffing.wav OH7_041_important match.wav OH7_065_worth a try get lucky.wav OH7_069_not so easy.wav OH7_070_damaging evidence.wav OH7_071_dont know half.wav OH7_076_dont apologize_saved me 10dollars.wav OH7_077_thought part of job.wav OH7_078_worth a try.wav OH7_085_adventure brought to you.wav OH7_086_word about many fine.wav SK_010_lt Stewart.wav SK_015_dr Cross.wav SK_016_when comes to the mind.wav SK_017_hello dr Cross.wav SK_018_she was so alive.wav SK_019_snap out.wav SK_020_mind strange instrument.wav SK_021_workings of the mind.wav SK_022_plausible not feeling well.wav SK_023_door knocks_dr Cross.wav SK_024_sooner better.wav SK_025_where you here.wav SK_026_anything peculiar.wav SK_027_oh I see.wav SK_028_nervous girl.wav SK_029_just a nice kid.wav SK_030_whats wrong with her.wav SK_031_where find her.wav SK_032_what caused it.wav SK_033_how long sitting there.wav SK_034_between 1_8thirty.wav SK_035_I see.wav SK_036_best for her.wav SK_037_its in the country.wav SK_038_OK.wav SK_039_this dr Cross.wav SK_040_new patient.wav SK_044_amnesia shock.wav SK_051_darling its me.wav SK_052_shes worse.wav SK_053_got to be patient.wav SK_054_thought tricked.wav SK_055_give it to me straight.wav SK_056_difficult to answer.wav SK_057_mind delicate fragile.wav SK_058_2 minds better.wav SK_059_perfectly undewrstandable.wav SK_060_best in field.wav SK_063_condition deteriorating.wav SK_071_theres something else.wav SK_072_continue treatment.wav SK_073_under sedation.wav SK_074_hows margaret.wav SK_075_talk with young man.wav SK_079_dont be afraid.wav SK_080_thats fine.wav SK_082_Edwards violent.wav SK_083_hallucinations witnessed murder.wav SK_084_take it easy.wav SK_085b_mrs cross dead.wav SK_100_I know dear.wav SK_101_you ve upset her.wav SK_103_suffering from delusions.wav SK_106_what just heard.wav SK_107_paranoid dementia.wav SK_108_common among mental cases.wav SK_109_out of her mind.wav SK_110_prevent deterioration of mind.wav SK_113_had usual delusions.wav SK_115_convince her insane.wav SK_123_connection with wifes death.wav SK_124_thought case closed.wav SK_125_not have anything to do with.wav SK_126_not saying murder.wav SK_127_checked anything missing.wav SK_128_dont know if necessary.wav SK_129_hoped more understanding.wav SK_130_no.wav SK_131_no I cant.wav SK_132_hear from me.wav SK_136_wife was murdered.wav SK_137_murder weapon candlestick.wav SK_138_just routine.wav SK_139_criminal no chance these days.wav SK_140_any candlesticks.wav SK_141_when last see alive.wav SK_143_insulin shock.wav SK_144_give hour and half.wav SK_146_just a moment young man.wav SK_147_still insist saw murder.wav SK_148a_mmmh.wav SK_148a_mmmh_NR2.wav SK_148_when was it.wav SK_149_generalisations_dialog.wav SK_152_seems inconceivable.wav SK_156_a trip is in order.wav SK_161_she ll come out.wav SP5_003_ship radioactive.wav SP5_013_commander Space Patrol.wav SP5_025_nothing but hole in sand.wav SP5_030_two patients all week.wav SP5_031_happen pretty soon.wav SP5_032_wonderful stick by me.wav SP5_033_how without you.wav SP5_035_a patient luck changed.wav SP5_036_nurse see who that is.wav SP5_039_any name at all.wav SP5_041_what have we here.wav SP5_042_both hot radiation.wav SP5_043_contaminated radioactivity.wav SP5_044_atom bomb in desert.wav SP5_045_in an aeroplane.wav SP5_046_dont believe contaminated.wav SP5_046_enough of this.wav SP5_046_report commanding officer.wav SP5_047a_do as man says.wav SP5_047_prove under radiation.wav SP5_050_dont know game doc.wav SP5_052_critically radioactive.wav SP5_053_only chanve no cure radiation poisonning.wav SP5_054_thinking it over.wav SP5_055_runaway only contaminate others.wav SP5_058_test pilot ready.wav SP5_059_full of energy.wav SP5_064_not aboard XRC.wav SP5_066_dont reckon make it.wav SP5_068_lets call him back.wav SP5_069_making deal_space patrol watch.wav SP5_075_say from future another planet.wav SP5_076_dont know other planets.wav SP5_077_carry gamma null.wav SP5_078_flying test ship.wav SP5_079_Terra 5 space patrol ship.wav SP5_088a_hanging up payphone.wav SP5_088_suffering radiation.wav SP5_090_called all doctors.wav SP5_093_got Gamma Null.wav SP5_097_amazing vapor injectors.wav SP5_098_metabolism normal.wav SP5_099_saved our lives.wav SP5_102_had visitors from outer space.wav SP5_103_prove our story.wav SP5_104_back salary substantial raise.wav SP5_107_space patrolers ad.wav SP5_109_get rocket cockpit_ad.wav SP5_110_St_Louis send today_ad.wav SP5_112_plan of destruction.wav TT_002_reading machinery magazine.wav TT_003_this is science.wav TT_005a_aint scientific attitude.wav TT_005_electrical aeroplane.wav TT_006_bill collector or professor.wav TT_007_science my hobby.wav TT_008_gee would be swell.wav TT_009_Marconi youre fired.wav TT_013_sock full of money.wav TT_015a_leave it to me.wav TT_017_Acme collection agency.wav TT_018_intend to pay it.wav TT_019_get money or equipment.wav TT_023_what is this thing.wav TT_024_my own invention.wav TT_025_this contraption_televisor.wav TT_026_very simple_sends picture.wav TT_027_why dont yopu sell it.wav TT_028_broadcasting company would go big.wav TT_029_whats difference now.wav TT_030_scientific attitude.wav TT_031_keep parts a while.wav TT_032_gee swell guy.wav TT_033_means a lot to me.wav TT_034_have some grub together.wav TT_037_aint policy threaten people.wav TT_040_what do you want.wav TT_041_pretty tough bird.wav TT_042_hey Spike.wav TT_044_dont look bill collector.wav TT_045_pop you for college kid crack.wav TT_046_not bad at all.wav TT_061_ms Blake see you a moment.wav TT_082_didnt know had company.wav TT_089_ready start manufacturing.wav TT_092_how long keep Turner.wav TT_095_what did find out.wav TT_096_research to perfect television.wav TT_097_its very simple.wav TT_098_have taken the plans.wav TT_099_inconceivable.wav TT_100_suppose you re right.wav TT_101_jump into television.wav TT_102_serious problem.wav TT_103_one thing to do.wav TT_104_buy TV on open market.wav TT_105_get bids on equipment.wav TT_106_go ahead board meeting.wav TT_111_paid for invention.wav TT_118_get me new darts.wav TT_125_install TV equip in 12 stations.wav TT_126_no way lower bid.wav TT_127_at least 10 years to pay off.wav TT_128_lowest bid.wav TT_129_importance to install television.wav TT_131_must withold decision.wav TT_133_little chance of that.wav TT_139_last venture was limit.wav TT_141_I know my dear.wav TT_144_trying rouse curiosity.wav TT_148_greatest problem since in business.wav TT_153_what have done to deserve this.wav TT_154_file that please.wav TT_155 new TV machine.wav TT_168_important you believe.wav TT_170_glad you say that.wav TT_171_prove confidence.wav TT_175_all figured out.wav TT_177_cant tell how grateful.wav TT_179_grandest thing.wav TT_196_lets try it.wav TT_197_know how you feel.wav TT_198_dont know what Ill do.wav TT_200_understand what to do.wav TT_201_what do I say.wav TT_202_try pick you up in here.wav TT_205_dont know what to say.wav TT_207_telling again science is hobby.wav TT_209_telling again science is hobby.wav TT_210_invent only dont know what.wav TT_211_guy beat me to it.wav TT_212_success it works.wav TT_214_look look.wav TT_219_call Bobbi_shes asleep.wav TT_223_it works I tell you.wav TT_226_can show now_with background female voice.wav TT_227_is it fire.wav TT_229_no one mrdered yet.wav TT_232_shhh.wav TT_236_board at 3 oclock.wav TT_237_surprise of their lives.wav TT_238_mystery made me curious.wav TT_239_best investment_new TV machine.wav TT_240_if what girl told is true.wav TT_241_cant amount to anything.wav TT_242a_weird laughter.wav TT_242_prepared to sign.wav TT_243_how could I know.wav TT_244_cant take chance.wav TT_245_dont know what can do aabout it.wav TT_246_shut up.wav TT_247_got an idea.wav TT_248_worried about machine.wav TT_249_heres what can do.wav TT_258_our young inventor.wav TT_259_ms Blake manager.wav TT_260_pulled fast one Curtis.wav TT_261_banking on you two.wav TT_263_mm mmh.wav TT_266_men talking.wav TT_271_something wrong.wav TT_273_demonstration_men talking.wav TT_274_whats the matter.wav TT_278_waste of time.wav TT_279_should have known better.wav TT_280_goes for you too.wav TT_281_get that thing out.wav TT_284_funny vocal sound.wav TT_285_worked last night.wav TT_286_believe dont you.wav TT_290_lay off that thing.wav TT_291_Im alright have coffee.wav TT_292_think got bumped around.wav TT_310_I see.wav TT_311_maybe you re right.wav TT_312_didnt come fore more money.wav TT_313_thought you cared.wav TT_315_I ll fix machine.wav TT_326a_shhh.wav TT_326b_my system act friendly.wav TT_328_landlady aint fooled.wav TT_329_Rocky you re friend.wav TT_330_where get money.wav TT_331_and works too.wav TT_332_when I opened package.wav TT_333_not kidding me.wav TT_337_swell of you.wav TT_340_tell him truth.wav TT_350_pretty stubborn see what can do.wav TT_352_shave cost answer tomorrow.wav TT_353_no way out_for the best.wav TT_354_anything else_thats all.wav TT_358_wont see you.wav TT_359_he needs this machine.wav TT_360_deal settled tomorrow.wav TT_361_sure told facts.wav TT_362_withheld info.wav TT_363_seems impossible.wav TT_365_give me address.wav TT_368_rushing like tigers.wav TT_370_not there there.wav TT_373_oh yeah.wav TT_374_what a spot for me.wav TT_376_blood thicker than water.wav TT_381_gotta show machine.wav TT_382_learn make people listen.wav TT_383_thats the idea Rocky.wav TT_384_take receiving set.wav TT_387_answering phone.wav TT_388_what meeting at 9.wav TT_389_thought tomorrow.wav TT_391_hunch not giving up.wav TT_392_throw deal in ashcan.wav TT_393_what makes you think.wav TT_394_know where he lives.wav TT_397_any idea what s about.wav TT_398_same happened to me.wav TT_399_thought meeting tomorrow.wav TT_400_wheres Curtis.wav TT_401_as curious as you.wav TT_402_here himself.wav TT_403_whats meaning of this.wav TT_404_wire you sent me.wav TT_405_all a mistake.wav TT_406_breath.wav TT_407_what doing here.wav TT_408_guys looking for TV machine.wav TT_409_knew nothing of this.wav TT_411_this is ridiculous.wav TT_412_out of here_keep shirt on.wav TT_414_hope pull it over.wav TT_425_settles it_starts couple minutes.wav TT_427_best TV set in world.wav TT_430_chance of lifetime.wav TT_432_its working see see.wav TT_444_sitting top world.wav TT_445_aint that marvelous.wav ----------------------------------------------------