List by folder of the samples included in the Memory Collection Pack 11 - Adventure from Les Productions Zvon ______________________________________ The samples in this collection are taken from 5 Public Domain movies. Two are adventure at sea/pirate films, two are Sword and Sorcery, one is a murder/horror mystery. The oldest is from 1936 and the latest one was made in 1962. There are 1 862 samples (1.14 GB). The collection is divided in 5 folders: FX - sound effects, foleys, various noises Music Speech Female_Kids Speech Male Hybrids - in this folder, I regrouped samples that feature 2 or more sounds of the 4 above folders. For instance someone speaking with some background noise and/or music, or music with background sfx. Please note that there are some exceptions in this categorization. When one sound element, for instance music, really dominates the others, a sample may then have been sorted in the music folder even if there's a voice (not singing) or sfx in it. ______________________________________ About the naming convention used Samples have names beginning with two capital letters followed by an underscore and numbers. The capital letters indicate the specific source show, for instance all the samples beginning with CK are from the same movie. The numbers indicate the order in which the samples appeared in the movie. Sometimes the numbers are followed by a lowercase letter, this indicates that the samples are part of, or were originally, a longer sample. Like in this example: CC_115_treasure rumors.wav, CC_115a_saw the gold.wav. Following this sequence of letters and numbers is the actual name of the sample, like "HM_022_door closing" that describes the sound. In the case of the Speech samples, the name refers to the words that are actually said, for instance "that’s ridiculous" or in the case of longer samples it will list some of the keywords. Names ending with NR2 indicates a sample processed with different noise reduction settings, so a sample may have 2 versions. Name ending by "X" are the trimmed version of the original sample, these are mainly used in the demo. ______________________________________ Zvon Visit our website for more sample sets. Don't forget to also try the Memory Collection Sample Packs 01 to 10. email: Web site: Patreon: YouTube Channel: Instagram: Twitter: KVR User Forum: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ FX (138 files) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ CC_007_dog.wav CC_027_diving splash.wav CC_190_rowboat noises.wav CC_240_swimming.wav CC_255_gunshot noises.wav CC_260_breaking in.wav CC_273_locking door_footsteps.wav CK_007_closing chest.wav CK_018_gunshot.wav CK_019_burying pirate.wav CK_063_fencing noise.wav CK_139_noises.wav CK_145_sighs_noises.wav CK_156_breaking glass.wav CK_196_bell.wav CK_241_ship whistle.wav CK_242_ship whistle_NR2.wav CK_298_noisy seq.wav CK_326_storm.wav CK_329_knocks.wav CK_330_noisy seq.wav CK_380_Click.wav HM_022_door closing.wav HM_047_birds.wav HM_048_closing shutter.wav HM_049_horse trotting.wav HM_054_horse leaving.wav HM_056_noises steps.wav HM_077_triple noise.wav HM_082a_grating rock.wav HM_082_secret tunnel.wav HM_113_footsteps.wav HM_162_unbolting door.wav HM_191_horse.wav HM_218_doorknocks.wav HM_227_footsteps quick.wav HM_230a_eerie horse.wav HM_291_gong.wav HM_321_sandstorm.wav HM_324_alien FX.wav HM_326_sandstorm.wav HM_329_follow me_sandstorm.wav HM_330_pulsing orb.wav HM_331_sandstorm.wav HM_332_pulsing orb.wav TB_051_gun on table.wav TB_053_footsteps opening door.wav TB_054_closing door.wav TB_064_dishes.wav TB_071a_metallic.wav TB_093_fire.wav TB_118_armor falling.wav TB_131_locking door.wav TB_133_storm noises.wav TB_157_noise.wav TB_163_bat.wav TB_194_door closing.wav TB_282_opening door.wav TB_316_noise.wav TB_322_car starting.wav TB_323_closing door.wav TB_324_noises.wav TB_328a_door closing.wav TB_336a_knocks.wav TB_336b_knocks.wav TB_336c_knocks.wav TB_337a_knocks.wav TB_338_rotary phone.wav TB_342a_hanging up phone.wav TB_342b_noise.wav TB_342b_noise_NR2.wav TB_378_noise.wav TB_398_loud hit.wav TB_399_loud hit.wav TB_400_hit_breaking glass.wav TB_406_opening door.wav TB_408_steps lght.wav TB_410_hurried steps_door.wav TB_417a_crickets.wav TB_417_shaking door.wav TB_420b_knock.wav TB_421_opening door.wav TB_440_running downstairs_door.wav TB_464_hiding.wav TB_467_fire.wav TS_011_boing.wav TS_014a_bubbles.wav TS_019a_boing.wav TS_080_noises_sigh.wav TS_086a_clicks noise.wav TS_098a_grating noise.wav TS_102_magic noise.wav TS_103_magic noise.wav TS_107a_noise seq.wav TS_115a_noise seq.wav TS_118a_magic at work.wav TS_136a_click.wav TS_169a_clicks seq.wav TS_177a_dragon.wav TS_194_opening cell.wav TS_195a_running princess.wav TS_196a_opening heavy door.wav TS_196_footsteps princess.wav TS_197a_struggling to open door.wav TS_219_floor opening.wav TS_282_loud knock.wav TS_283a_knock small.wav TS_289_knocks.wav TS_311_noises seq.wav TS_313_noises seq.wav TS_316_witchcraft noises.wav TS_318_witchcraft noises.wav TS_319_objects on table.wav TS_320_witchcraft noises.wav TS_322_witchcraft noises.wav TS_324_witchcraft noises.wav TS_327_explosion.wav TS_349_click.wav TS_350_water dripping.wav TS_351a_sword hit.wav TS_351b_sword hit.wav TS_355_water dripping.wav TS_357_noisy seq.wav TS_358_magic door.wav TS_358_magic door_NR2.wav TS_365_opening gate.wav TS_365_opening gate_NR2.wav TS_366_closing gate.wav TS_370_group footsteps.wav TS_414_door.wav TS_421_noises filterFX seq.wav TS_422b_grunts animal.wav TS_425_noises.wav TS_427_dragon.wav TS_429_dragon.wav TS_431_dragon screams.wav TS_435_dragon.wav TS_438_dragon.wav _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Hybrids (587 files) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ CC_009_tide s coming in.wav CC_013_got passenger.wav CC_013_got passenger_NR2.wav CC_017_scum south sea.wav CC_018_drop at dock.wav CC_019_once a rover.wav CC_026_get it.wav CC_031_spanish doubloon.wav CC_033_boarding ship.wav CC_034_boarding ship.wav CC_035_need a drink.wav CC_036_tropical store_cue.wav CC_037_pumped old cheat.wav CC_038_how about drink.wav CC_039_greetings sparring partner.wav CC_042a_doubloon real thing.wav CC_042_doubloon real thing.wav CC_044_where find it.wav CC_045_under the water.wav CC_046_treasure island.wav CC_047_darn right.wav CC_049_crowd.wav CC_103_in love.wav CC_115a_saw the gold.wav CC_115b_pirates treasure.wav CC_115_treasure rumors.wav CC_116_rumors_men.wav CC_117_rumors_women.wav CC_143_port street noises.wav CC_153_motorboat.wav CC_164_ahoy there.wav CC_172_burglars cue.wav CC_173a_worked alright.wav CC_173_worked alright.wav CC_174_look.wav CC_195_who did this.wav CC_196_lets get out.wav CC_201_angry crowd.wav CC_203_crowd scuffle.wav CC_204_scuffle.wav CC_205_angry shouts.wav CC_209_keeping from me.wav CC_210_let me see.wav CC_211_fine tattooing.wav CC_219_come for visit.wav CC_220a_afraid of me.wav CC_220_come alone.wav CC_244_wont be gone long.wav CC_245_not afraid cue.wav CC_247_looks like devil.wav CC_248_alright doc.wav CC_249_victory.wav CC_251_in there come up.wav CC_252_sinister cue.wav CC_253_be careful doc.wav CC_256_I ll be alright.wav CC_257_drama.wav CC_258_what can I do.wav CC_259_let them come.wav CC_261_give me the gun.wav CC_262_stay back.wav CC_263_fight.wav CC_264a_get em below.wav CC_264_reward for murder.wav CC_266_better than alcohol route.wav CC_274_see schooner there.wav CC_276_each others arms.wav CC_279_never get chance again.wav CC_282_help.wav CC_284_know how feel.wav CC_287_come on kid.wav CC_292_married 6 months.wav CC_293_go for sail.wav CK_002a_most ruthless.wav CK_002_madagascar.wav CK_003a_dead dont talk.wav CK_003b_bury treasure_cue.wav CK_003c_treasure_cue.wav CK_003d_give hand mate.wav CK_003f_neck stretched.wav CK_003_burning ship cue.wav CK_005_satisfied.wav CK_006_put them back.wav CK_010_something forgot.wav CK_015_all clear no favorites.wav CK_016_some get come back.wav CK_017_question me again.wav CK_039_your proposal.wav CK_040_please majesty.wav CK_041_needs bold man.wav CK_042_bring in cap Kidd.wav CK_043_cap Kidd cue.wav CK_084_dont let temper.wav CK_085_if I hang.wav CK_086_stinkin maggots meat.wav CK_087_making trouble again.wav CK_088_smell this.wav CK_089_action bell.wav CK_090_hey governor.wav CK_110_unlock him.wav CK_113_Adam Mercy.wav CK_114a_thought was dead.wav CK_114_thought was dead.wav CK_116_believe eyes.wav CK_117_abandonned me.wav CK_120_noises_cue.wav CK_141_danger cue.wav CK_158a_serpent strike.wav CK_158_curious.wav CK_159_knowledge high born.wav CK_160_high of spirit.wav CK_161_find who he is.wav CK_163a_foghorn.wav CK_163_goodnight.wav CK_164_seafaring men.wav CK_165_valet at sea.wav CK_170_possibly a spy.wav CK_176_who is he.wav CK_177_is a nobody.wav CK_182_Quedagh Merchant.wav CK_190_meeting Quedagh Merchant.wav CK_192_on deck.wav CK_193_wind fresh.wav CK_194_ominous steps.wav CK_195_on deck.wav CK_197_murder.wav CK_198_hes dead.wav CK_199_what happened.wav CK_200_ominous cue.wav CK_201a_took better than gave.wav CK_201_burial at sea.wav CK_237_cue.wav CK_240_sail ho.wav CK_244_make her out.wav CK_245_longboat ready.wav CK_246_shot across bow.wav CK_247_flying English colors.wav CK_249_welcome aboard.wav CK_253_my daughter.wav CK_272_no trouble.wav CK_273_hoist away.wav CK_276_most kind.wav CK_279_say sorry.wav CK_280_meals in main cabin.wav CK_281_cant face those men.wav CK_282_quite understand milady.wav CK_283_captain s orders.wav CK_284_must help me.wav CK_285_what can do.wav CK_286_confused frightened.wav CK_287_fought no pirates.wav CK_288_captain Kidd told.wav CK_289_what manner ship.wav CK_290_killed deliberately.wav CK_291_better face captain.wav CK_292_man can trust.wav CK_293_yes milady.wav CK_294_know seen before.wav CK_295_no friend of cap.wav CK_296_will you please.wav CK_297_yes milady.wav CK_299_closing door.wav CK_311_inciting mutiny.wav CK_314_who is it.wav CK_317_accused of piracy.wav CK_318_Kidd killed father.wav CK_319_three years to track.wav CK_320_knows something.wav CK_321_what to help.wav CK_322_forget everything.wav CK_323_things complicated.wav CK_331_drama storm cue.wav CK_332_did well protect her.wav CK_334_alright sir.wav CK_336_no matter tricks.wav CK_337_dont worry about me.wav CK_338_what about Adam.wav CK_339_same done others.wav CK_340_know what expect.wav CK_341_if anything happens.wav CK_342_be careful.wav CK_343_come milady.wav CK_346_dig fast.wav CK_348_digging_thin thin now.wav CK_350_yes it was.wav CK_351_open it up.wav CK_352_brave foolish seaman.wav CK_353_heard of him.wav CK_354_this is yours.wav CK_355_pity turned pirate.wav CK_356_cant mourn forever.wav CK_357_go to cabin.wav CK_365_row ashore.wav CK_367_whos in boat.wav CK_368_come on.wav CK_371_cannon shots.wav CK_373_if thinking.wav CK_374_letter in London.wav CK_375_spoil sport.wav CK_381_greetings captain.wav CK_383_so I understood.wav CK_384_enlighten me.wav CK_385_impetuous fellow.wav CK_387_forced dispatched them.wav CK_388_tell about treasure.wav CK_389_unfortunate Sire.wav CK_390_I see.wav CK_391_weight of sins.wav CK_392_I see.wav CK_393_how explain.wav CK_394_mr Povy hiding.wav CK_395_secret lazarette.wav CK_396_proper explanation.wav CK_397_killed defending it.wav CK_398_Madagascar cave.wav CK_399_enough lies.wav CK_401_nightmare.wav CK_402_overlooked Last Hope.wav CK_403_accuse piracy.wav CK_404_gentleman misfortunate.wav CK_405_lock him up.wav CK_406_credit glory of England.wav CK_407_heres bequest.wav CK_408_rope for 6 pence.wav HM_002a_leaving wasteland.wav HM_002b_new monstrous life.wav HM_002_that fatal night.wav HM_003_sacrifice.wav HM_026_seize him_cue.wav HM_027_seize him_cue.wav HM_028_fight.wav HM_030_Samara failed.wav HM_031_avoid death.wav HM_032_underestimated that man.wav HM_033_ASAP.wav HM_034_remember Billis.wav HM_078_mushy cue.wav HM_084_tunnel traps.wav HM_202_Cost my life.wav HM_212_strange sigh.wav HM_213_why gods permit.wav HM_214_name of queen.wav HM_216_you open.wav HM_219_dont attempt resist.wav HM_234_our queen Selena.wav HM_237_Samara beseech you.wav HM_238_seize her_cue.wav HM_239_behold cataclcysm.wav HM_240a_still one task.wav HM_240_have reward earned.wav HM_241_have no fear.wav HM_243_dangerous place.wav HM_244_no agar.wav HM_248_help doing nothing.wav HM_250_I love you.wav HM_254_horror cue part 1.wav HM_255_horror cue part 2.wav HM_257_dont know future.wav HM_261_dont know my queen.wav HM_262_execute him.wav HM_278_death cries.wav HM_280_send them away.wav HM_281_alone with you.wav HM_293_wasnt she friend.wav HM_298_take them away.wav HM_317_come here Hercules.wav HM_318_wanted find out.wav HM_319_fight.wav HM_320_to mountain of death.wav HM_325_No no no.wav HM_327_selena cue.wav HM_328_blood bring back to life.wav HM_335_stop him.wav HM_336_end.wav TB_002_the oaks.wav TB_017_car cue.wav TB_018_miss van Gorder.wav TB_022_meet my wife.wav TB_037_saved money.wav TB_043_whats the matter.wav TB_062_too great risk.wav TB_083_bad heart.wav TB_094_fire murder.wav TB_095a_storm snorter.wav TB_095_storm.wav TB_096_found the paper.wav TB_097_bailey arrested.wav TB_098_charged with embezzlement.wav TB_099_cant believe it.wav TB_100_landlord home.wav TB_102_heard strange noises.wav TB_103_why they quit.wav TB_104_were scared.wav TB_105_ghosts afraid of me.wav TB_106_ghost allergic to me.wav TB_107_bat feller.wav TB_108_same effect on him.wav TB_109_drive people away.wav TB_111_victims died same way.wav TB_112_charming caper.wav TB_113a_wind banging door.wav TB_113b_pay no attention.wav TB_113_storm banging house.wav TB_114_man without face.wav TB_115_honest exaggerating.wav TB_116_noises windy night.wav TB_117_no fingerprints.wav TB_119_cat dropping dentures.wav TB_120_chucked him down here.wav TB_121_window open.wav TB_122_sleep it off.wav TB_123a_power lines go down.wav TB_123_power lines go down.wav TB_124_scream.wav TB_125_might got you.wav TB_126_are you OK.wav TB_127_OK.wav TB_128_police please.wav TB_129_forced way in.wav TB_130_sleep in my room.wav TB_132_nothing get at us.wav TB_134_couch comfortable.wav TB_135_see_noises.wav TB_136_noises_no bolt.wav TB_137_booby trap.wav TB_138_forgot my night things.wav TB_139_scream.wav TB_140a_answering phone.wav TB_140_phone prowler.wav TB_142_have a gun.wav TB_144_relax.wav TB_145a_brass stinger_scream.wav TB_145_murderous bat cue.wav TB_148_calling doctor.wav TB_151_bitten by bat.wav TB_153_whos there.wav TB_154_glad found you.wav TB_155_feel better.wav TB_162_there he is.wav TB_164_looks normal.wav TB_165_aint that nice.wav TB_166_doesnt have infection.wav TB_168_thanks doctor.wav TB_169_can find way out.wav TB_170_climb stairs.wav TB_171_can shoot one.wav TB_172_accident.wav TB_178_well goodnight.wav TB_179_whos out there.wav TB_180_good evening.wav TB_181_somebody sick.wav TB_182_caught the bat.wav TB_183_ought to know.wav TB_184_hole in window.wav TB_185_phoned HQ.wav TB_186_phoned twice.wav TB_187_at HQ.wav TB_188_searched the house.wav TB_189_have window fixed.wav TB_190_goodnight doctor.wav TB_191_patroling ground.wav TB_192_not in house.wav TB_212_powerful effect on me.wav TB_213_first edition.wav TB_214_may I serve tea.wav TB_216_was my chauffeur.wav TB_217_get plumber.wav TB_226_assume steal million.wav TB_227_if writing this.wav TB_233_buy a house.wav TB_235_hold on.wav TB_246_thank you Mark.wav TB_249_house guests.wav TB_253_afternoon ladies.wav TB_255_fantastic criminal.wav TB_258_lovely silver.wav TB_259_clock.wav TB_260a_secret passage.wav TB_260_secret door.wav TB_261_police car.wav TB_262_horrible.wav TB_265_who found Mark.wav TB_268_where were you.wav TB_269_secret closet.wav TB_272_doorbell.wav TB_272_doorbell_NR2.wav TB_273_getting door.wav TB_281_doorbell.wav TB_283_been murder.wav TB_285_know who did it.wav TB_293_yes Warner.wav TB_298_goodnight.wav TB_301_dr Wells.wav TB_305_staying here tonight.wav TB_312_lock your doors.wav TB_313a_cue.wav TB_328_goodnight.wav TB_330_dont think I ll sleep.wav TB_331_died eyes closed.wav TB_332_dont think about.wav TB_333_sleeping in jail.wav TB_336_prowler.wav TB_337_whats that noise.wav TB_340_not going out.wav TB_341_stolen money.wav TB_342_awful noise.wav TB_347_warn me if.wav TB_348a_shouts.wav TB_350_the bat.wav TB_360_new butler.wav TB_361_mrs Patterson.wav TB_388_new chapter.wav TB_389a_one night.wav TB_389b_mystery cue.wav TB_389_secret investigation.wav TB_392_killed in lab.wav TB_397_goodbye Bat_gunshot.wav TB_401_gunshot_death scene.wav TB_402_knocks cue.wav TB_403a_something wrong.wav TB_403_trapped.wav TB_405_locked door_miss Cornelia.wav TB_411_never ooh.wav TB_412_steps_sigh.wav TB_416_wake up.wav TB_418__knocks_hurry.wav TB_422_alright now.wav TB_423_I remember now.wav TB_424_cant find her.wav TB_427_what else.wav TB_428_panting_knocking.wav TB_429_OK.wav TB_437_certainly did.wav TB_441_miss Cornelia.wav TB_442_light 3rd floor.wav TB_443a_dramatic cue.wav TB_443_dramatic cue.wav TB_444_which panel.wav TB_447_feeling better.wav TB_452_opens same way.wav TB_453_try to find this.wav TB_455_Bat had in mind.wav TB_456_Warner disappeared.wav TB_462_talking about Bat.wav TB_466_safer downstairs.wav TB_468a_gunshots.wav TB_468_gunshots_bat dead.wav TB_469_misjudge me.wav TB_470_end.wav TS_003_gone again.wav TS_005_answer me.wav TS_014b_funny laugh.wav TS_016_human and man.wav TS_019_like mine.wav TS_020_pool of magic.wav TS_021_find her.wav TS_023_dreamy cue.wav TS_024_there she is.wav TS_025_cold water chilled temper.wav TS_034a_Helene.wav TS_034_Princess Helene.wav TS_035_Sybil where are you.wav TS_037_who talking about.wav TS_040_let me see.wav TS_041_magic mirror.wav TS_048a_thunder_only.wav TS_048b_serene majesty.wav TS_048_thunder.wav TS_060a_dragons lair.wav TS_060_seven curses.wav TS_062_now excuse me.wav TS_067_trust me sire.wav TS_085_talk when 420.wav TS_091_not that trick again.wav TS_104_giggling.wav TS_107_armor magic.wav TS_111_save princess now.wav TS_116_valiant knights.wav TS_117_like Ascalon.wav TS_118_sword magic.wav TS_119_did sword do that.wav TS_120_shuts things.wav TS_121_whats down there.wav TS_126_not afraid.wav TS_127_closing floor.wav TS_128_goodbye mother.wav TS_129_I ll come back.wav TS_131_let me out.wav TS_133_pledge my sword.wav TS_167_a coward.wav TS_177b_spoken to him.wav TS_179_take them away.wav TS_182a_its horrible.wav TS_186a_damsel in distress.wav TS_186_sir Branton.wav TS_187_dont know him.wav TS_188_turn back cue.wav TS_189_horse swift.wav TS_190_ogre.wav TS_191_rejoicing.wav TS_192_he won.wav TS_195_sinister dwarves cue.wav TS_198_let us out.wav TS_199_not a sign.wav TS_200_is man heathen.wav TS_201_is man coward.wav TS_208_mount horses.wav TS_209_misty forest bubbling.wav TS_210a_bubbling timpani.wav TS_210a_James Denis Anthony.wav TS_210b_bubbling timpani.wav TS_210_unsavory region.wav TS_211_je suis ici.wav TS_212_wheres Anthony.wav TS_213a_bubbling timpani.wav TS_213_Anthony.wav TS_214_horses._shout-falling water.wav TS_215_bubbling death.wav TS_217_ride on.wav TS_221_hands on him.wav TS_226_mirror of magic.wav TS_247c_where are you.wav TS_257_evil sneer.wav TS_266_coming to death.wav TS_270_cherie je t aime.wav TS_301_crawl hag.wav TS_302_greeting Sybil.wav TS_304_dont want to talk.wav TS_309_take care of that.wav TS_317_formula.wav TS_321_mandrake root.wav TS_323_what else goes in.wav TS_325_formula noises.wav TS_328_what have done.wav TS_332_Dennis James.wav TS_333_track of horses.wav TS_334_ahead of us.wav TS_335_getting hotter.wav TS_336_go without us.wav TS_337_wakened us.wav TS_338_Dennis James.wav TS_339_heavenly father.wav TS_340_my secret.wav TS_341_brass horses.wav TS_342a_brass.wav TS_342_brass_footsteps.wav TS_343_where devil is he.wav TS_346_wont escape us.wav TS_347_what do now.wav TS_348_sword is magic.wav TS_354_sword hits.wav TS_356_harpies.wav TS_364_hes coming.wav TS_367_evil giggling.wav TS_368_evil giggling.wav TS_368_evil giggling_NR2.wav TS_371a_spell SFX.wav TS_371_where is going.wav TS_372_footsteps_squeaky door.wav TS_373_Helene.wav TS_379_what happened Branton.wav TS_381_trying to flee.wav TS_382_welcome sir George.wav TS_389_I want her.wav TS_396_take care of you.wav TS_397_prepare for dragon.wav TS_398_George to dungeon.wav TS_399_nothing give up.wav TS_400_what will do.wav TS_402_give back magic.wav TS_404_magic formula.wav TS_410_real Helene.wav TS_411_very tender.wav TS_412_come Helene.wav TS_422a_sawing ropes.wav TS_422_cut the ropes.wav TS_428_brass.wav TS_432_horse.wav TS_433_horse dragon.wav TS_434_destroy him.wav TS_436_give back magic.wav TS_437_power to attack.wav TS_439_dragon s death.wav TS_440_will still die.wav TS_441_curse damnation.wav TS_443_face the seventh.wav TS_444_strike to dust.wav _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Music (132 files) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ CC_001 title.wav CC_002 intro.wav CC_003 drunken sailor.wav CC_043_ukulele.wav CC_048_ukulele.wav CC_175_cue.wav CC_206a_riders rolling seas.wav CC_206b_ship ahoy.wav CC_206c_heave ho.wav CC_206d_heave ho.wav CC_206_riders rolling seas.wav CC_207_mandolin.wav CC_208_mandolin.wav CC_218_tension cue.wav CC_246_pirates cue.wav CC_267a_good sailing.wav CC_267_good sailing you two.wav CC_275_romantic strings.wav CC_277_are you.wav CC_278_romantic strings.wav CC_294_end title.wav CK_001_title.wav CK_004a_pizzicato.wav CK_004_cue.wav CK_008_drama.wav CK_009_drama hit.wav CK_024_lively cue.wav CK_037_court cue.wav CK_082_jail cue.wav CK_083_jail cue.wav CK_112_cue.wav CK_115_drama.wav CK_119_cue.wav CK_140_ominous cue.wav CK_142_ominous.wav CK_157_drama.wav CK_162_tension cue.wav CK_191_epic cue.wav CK_202_cue.wav CK_238_martial cue.wav CK_239_epic cue.wav CK_248_Rule Britannia.wav CK_274_soft stinger.wav CK_277_cue.wav CK_278_tragic cue.wav CK_315_rising cue.wav CK_316_inquisitive cue.wav CK_333_cue.wav CK_345_exotic cue.wav CK_358_ominous.wav CK_362_cue.wav CK_362_cue_NR2.wav CK_364_cue.wav CK_366_action cue.wav CK_370_drama brass.wav CK_372_sinister cue.wav CK_376_sinister cue.wav CK_377_Royal Court_cue.wav CK_378_brass growl cue.wav CK_379a_Cap Kidd.wav CK_379b_brass_court.wav CK_379c_brass_court.wav CK_379_Cap Kidd.wav CK_400_cue.wav CK_410_end title.wav HM_001_title.wav HM_004_brassy.wav HM_025_epic cue.wav HM_029_alien cue.wav HM_055_cue.wav HM_091_death cue.wav HM_111_sad cue.wav HM_112_ominous.wav HM_176_mushy cue.wav HM_203_harp cue.wav HM_205_trap cue.wav HM_206_drama stinger.wav HM_228_cue.wav HM_229_brassy cue.wav HM_230_epic cue.wav HM_231_you see_cue.wav HM_242_creepy cue.wav HM_256_soft cue.wav HM_258_strange cue.wav HM_266_soft cue.wav HM_279_harp music.wav HM_333_moon cue.wav TB_001_title.wav TB_050_drama cue.wav TB_143_cue.wav TB_152_drama hit.wav TB_193_cue.wav TB_256_murder cue.wav TB_257_murder cue.wav TB_313_cue.wav TB_329_suspense.wav TB_334_suspense swell.wav TB_335_bat in.wav TB_346_threatening cue.wav TB_348_murder cue.wav TB_379_strings cue.wav TB_390_secret cue.wav TB_391_secretive cue.wav TB_446_drama cue.wav TB_463_bat cue.wav TS_001_title A.wav TS_002_title B.wav TS_022_middle east music.wav TS_046_kingly brass.wav TS_097_light cue.wav TS_098_stone floor opening.wav TS_132_freeing knights.wav TS_141a_kingly cue.wav TS_141_cue_come to serve.wav TS_171_knights cue.wav TS_197_evil cue.wav TS_220_lively funny cue.wav TS_271_very dramatic.wav TS_331_cue.wav TS_363a_brass.wav TS_363_castl gate.wav TS_408_transforming into bird.wav TS_409_ominous cue.wav TS_417_dramatic brass cue.wav TS_418_pizzi hits.wav TS_426_ominous.wav TS_430_brass_heavy low end.wav TS_445_death cue.wav TS_446_majestic cue.wav TS_447_romantic cue.wav TS_448_majestic.wav TS_449_end credits.wav _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Speech Female (237 files) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ CC_055_how much bill.wav CC_060_laugh.wav CC_061_know you Bill.wav CC_062_always was lucky.wav CC_064_anything is yours.wav CC_068_not a word.wav CC_071_Sam listen.wav CC_073_talk to you.wav CC_077_found gold.wav CC_079_pocketful gold.wav CC_108_never mind.wav CC_109_congratulate you.wav CC_111_treasure of course.wav CC_113_everybodys talking.wav CC_120_terrible disapointment.wav CC_125_good bye.wav CC_127_Im sorry.wav CC_128_hero to me.wav CC_131_always kept clipping.wav CC_132_was on steamer.wav CC_133_was wonderful.wav CC_135_minute I saw him.wav CC_136_wish help.wav CC_138_respect wealth.wav CC_139_just his way.wav CC_141_thats ridiculous.wav CC_145_heard of cap Bill.wav CC_147_found treasure.wav CC_148_invest.wav CC_152_see ship.wav CC_153_may we come aboard.wav CC_191_cover you up.wav CC_192_wouldnt say that.wav CC_200_can see what.wav CC_268_its the Wildfire.wav CC_269_wheres cap Bill.wav CC_270_ran distress signal.wav CC_281_went below.wav CK_328_shout.wav HM_011_old Claudius.wav HM_016_conquer mountain of death.wav HM_017_destroy yourself.wav HM_021_get out.wav HM_035_my love.wav HM_045_mysterious powers monsters.wav HM_053_lets go.wav HM_054_route only I know.wav HM_057_for your own good.wav HM_057_greatly honoured.wav HM_059_hercules shes gone.wav HM_089_gasp.wav HM_090_gasps.wav HM_105_gasp.wav HM_107_cry.wav HM_108_nothing could do.wav HM_108_out of palace.wav HM_109_careful not seen.wav HM_109_spied on.wav HM_110_ran after you.wav HM_115_no one out alive.wav HM_126_I know.wav HM_141_sigh.wav HM_161_quiet.wav HM_178_so you re back.wav HM_180_I.wav HM_187_take care.wav HM_193_walk in trap.wav HM_200_left hour ago.wav HM_223_dont go now.wav HM_232_they re identical.wav HM_235_my own sister.wav HM_251_gasp.wav HM_264_not difficult.wav HM_269_Hercules in my power.wav HM_270a_banish you.wav HM_270_banish you.wav HM_284_after tonight.wav HM_294_in my power.wav HM_322_save me.wav TB_003_is car ready.wav TB_003_is car ready_NR2.wav TB_004_servant walking out.wav TB_005_really.wav TB_006_dont like it here.wav TB_007_killer named Bat.wav TB_008_back again.wav TB_009_how sure of that.wav TB_010_another crime.wav TB_011_rabid bats.wav TB_012_that aint all.wav TB_013_thats ridiculous.wav TB_014_housekeeper think so.wav TB_015_cant help what think.wav TB_016_get to bank.wav TB_021_ooh.wav TB_023_how do you do.wav TB_024_murder mystery.wav TB_025_refer my books.wav TB_027_dont be strangers.wav TB_028_sure seen you.wav TB_029_well not quite.wav TB_031_very charming.wav TB_032_Lt Anderson.wav TB_033_chief detective.wav TB_034_this is miss Allen.wav TB_035_favorite citizen.wav TB_036_made good thing.wav TB_038_safe vault.wav TB_039_come see me.wav TB_040_charming woman.wav TB_101_since he died.wav TB_110_what does it say.wav TB_141_man inside now.wav TB_146_bat bit me.wav TB_147_good gracious.wav TB_149a_never had baby.wav TB_149b_does it hurt.wav TB_149_rabid bat.wav TB_156_where is it.wav TB_174_no I didnt.wav TB_219_theres a character.wav TB_222_prove innocence.wav TB_224_saw with own eyes.wav TB_228_plan in advance.wav TB_229_prepare place to hide.wav TB_230_floor plan.wav TB_231_bring phone.wav TB_232_his number is.wav TB_238_anything bothers you.wav TB_247_her in house.wav TB_248_coming over tonight.wav TB_251_Oh I wont.wav TB_266_in dining room.wav TB_267_new housekeeper.wav TB_270_behind clock.wav TB_271_clock moved.wav TB_284_killed here tonight.wav TB_287_butler was chauffeur.wav TB_300_called at request.wav TB_306_police guard.wav TB_309_who is he.wav TB_325_mutual protection.wav TB_326_storm lights out.wav TB_327_nothing else you need.wav TB_339_hysterical women.wav TB_343_phone wires cut.wav TB_344_dont go up there.wav TB_345_stay here.wav TB_351_caught her.wav TB_352_where were you.wav TB_356_was my fault.wav TB_357_heard strange noise.wav TB_358_see what it was.wav TB_359_go by myself.wav TB_407_where going at night.wav TB_409_lamb sack.wav TB_413_mr Davenport.wav TB_414_fine thing.wav TB_415_wait till Lt.wav TB_419_terribly worried.wav TB_420a_panting.wav TB_420_panting_knock.wav TB_433_Warner not in room.wav TB_435_where s miss Cornelia.wav TB_438_better look.wav TB_439_cant breathe_no air.wav TB_448_pleasant to breathe.wav TB_449_there it goes again.wav TB_457_dr Wells.wav TB_459_does he know.wav TS_004_what good sorcery.wav TS_006_magic pool.wav TS_008_think dont know.wav TS_009_try cure him.wav TS_010_losing skill sorceress.wav TS_013_witchcraft cures.wav TS_017_man in love.wav TS_018_ought be at home.wav TS_026_easy for you.wav TS_027_find love.wav TS_028_as well prisonner.wav TS_030_how meet him.wav TS_031_chance some day.wav TS_038_reflection in water.wav TS_069_face Lodac sorcery.wav TS_071_devoured by dragon.wav TS_072_great sorcerers.wav TS_073_I fear him.wav TS_074_stay home safe.wav TS_075_have anything.wav TS_078_do my best.wav TS_079_call me mother.wav TS_082_were week old.wav TS_087_very difficult tonight.wav TS_088_boys be boys.wav TS_089_cheer you up.wav TS_092_never seen like this before.wav TS_093_if you cheer up.wav TS_095_come along.wav TS_096_I ll show you.wav TS_100_yours when 21.wav TS_101_magic horse.wav TS_106_wear it.wav TS_108_ascalon magic sword.wav TS_109_all yours when 21.wav TS_110_for revenge.wav TS_113_very well.wav TS_115_come along.wav TS_122_deposit for spells.wav TS_124_depends how hard.wav TS_125_dont be afraid.wav TS_172_I am Helene.wav TS_173_seventh day.wav TS_174_dont believe dragon.wav TS_175_others when arrived.wav TS_176_father save you.wav TS_180_what ransom.wav TS_183_wont happen to me.wav TS_223_in danger.wav TS_225_never rest till safe.wav TS_269_mignonette.wav TS_291_almost killed him.wav TS_296_magic strong.wav TS_306_I ll fight you.wav TS_310_mirror of magic.wav TS_312_helpless am I.wav TS_314_cant do anything.wav TS_315_sorry for this.wav TS_329_taken magic away.wav TS_374_must be dreaming.wav TS_375_you are George.wav TS_376_more magic.wav TS_401_remember right recipe.wav TS_403_where go wrong.wav TS_405_none of those.wav TS_407_I ll try.wav TS_415_Lodac want see.wav _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Speech Male (768 files) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ CC_004 sweet ship.wav CC_005a_no.wav CC_005_independant trade.wav CC_006 married other fellow.wav CC_008_anything I got.wav CC_010_tell Jim goodbye.wav CC_011_come sail with me.wav CC_012_so long Mary.wav CC_014_aaah.wav CC_015_come on shove up.wav CC_016_short laugh.wav CC_020_long before other woman.wav CC_021_gave to remember.wav CC_022_looked like money.wav CC_023_lucky gold piece.wav CC_025_backwater Mike.wav CC_029_bummed today.wav CC_030_underwater man.wav CC_032_all alike.wav CC_040_looks like gold.wav CC_041_couple dollars.wav CC_050_wake up before shoot.wav CC_051_Pierre.wav CC_052_long story.wav CC_053_buried treasures tales.wav CC_054_about time found.wav CC_056_hard to say.wav CC_057_couple of kegs.wav CC_058_course I havent.wav CC_059_got sample.wav CC_063_wont deny that.wav CC_066_trusting Mamie.wav CC_067_not a word.wav CC_069_well so long.wav CC_070_very quick.wav CC_072_what do you want.wav CC_074_intrude lover secrets.wav CC_075_dont forget.wav CC_076_well.wav CC_078_pirate treasure.wav CC_078_pirate treasure_NR2.wav CC_080_hi doc.wav CC_081_long time no see.wav CC_082_thats right.wav CC_083_old enemy.wav CC_084_phony laugh.wav CC_085_been waiting.wav CC_086_see this doubloon.wav CC_087_found it.wav CC_088_yep.wav CC_089_well doc.wav CC_090_cap Jones treasure.wav CC_091_dont know treasure.wav CC_092_dont lie.wav CC_093_told Mamie.wav CC_094_fool blabbing.wav CC_096_brought 2 kegs.wav CC_097_two kegs Bill.wav CC_098_chock a block.wav CC_099_phony laugh.wav CC_100_you re calamity.wav CC_101_have trade goods.wav CC_102_had some grub.wav CC_104_dirty crook.wav CC_105_make him thruth.wav CC_106_oh no cant do.wav CC_107_always has been.wav CC_110_about what.wav CC_112_who told you.wav CC_114_oh Bill.wav CC_118_myth no treasure.wav CC_119_lone doubloon.wav CC_121_disappointed myself.wav CC_122_be thankful.wav CC_123_thanks breakfast.wav CC_124_goodbye miss Lewis.wav CC_126_flat broke.wav CC_129_met Bill before.wav CC_130_of course.wav CC_134_storms fights.wav CC_137_have trouble enough.wav CC_138_dont think doctor.wav CC_139_touch of scent.wav CC_140_dont care either.wav CC_140_got him that time.wav CC_141_Romeo of yours.wav CC_142_thinking your good.wav CC_144_marry me.wav CC_149_one you missed.wav CC_150_go below.wav CC_151_great disappointment.wav CC_152_great disappointment.wav CC_154_do something.wav CC_154_glad see you.wav CC_155_needs going over.wav CC_156_pirate queen.wav CC_157_stuff in coffee.wav CC_158_mmmh.wav CC_159_search treasure.wav CC_160_swell guy.wav CC_161_when happen.wav CC_162_how smart I am.wav CC_163_cheating swindling.wav CC_165_hey captain.wav CC_166_fella gave money.wav CC_167_business being crook.wav CC_168_knocked out stuff.wav CC_169_powder in gin.wav CC_170_knock in head.wav CC_171_fella behind.wav CC_176_steal treasure.wav CC_177_guy behind this.wav CC_178_means prison.wav CC_179_you ll pay.wav CC_180_have stores.wav CC_181_ashore.wav CC_182_give him a shave.wav CC_183_stuff in coffee.wav CC_184_wouldnt do that.wav CC_185_all I need.wav CC_186_anything you say.wav CC_187_steal my treasure.wav CC_188_phony laugh.wav CC_189_trap.wav CC_193_this will kill me.wav CC_194_help captain.wav CC_197_shut up fools.wav CC_198_back to ship.wav CC_199_chance to tell.wav CC_202_asked for it.wav CC_213_cant make out rig.wav CC_214_can see plain now.wav CC_215_boatload armed men.wav CC_216_only devil knows.wav CC_217_glad see Pierre.wav CC_221_sink this one.wav CC_222_think stop me.wav CC_223_surrender Bill.wav CC_224_laugh.wav CC_225_face in.wav CC_226_surrender no harm.wav CC_227_yeah come aboard.wav CC_228_back to job.wav CC_229_you work fast.wav CC_230_shes old friend.wav CC_231_keep clear.wav CC_232_didnt come to fight.wav CC_233_dont feel good.wav CC_234_navigator.wav CC_235_any other liar.wav CC_236_odds 3 to 1.wav CC_237_can handle rifle.wav CC_238_may try tonight.wav CC_239_Pierre was after.wav CC_241_you and me.wav CC_242_come to attack.wav CC_243_do what you can doc.wav CC_250_ah ah.wav CC_265_ahoy.wav CC_271_note burned.wav CC_272_looks like it.wav CC_280_wheres Mike.wav CC_283_reward on his neck.wav CC_285_think all oceans.wav CC_286_ahoy.wav CC_288_hello Mac.wav CC_289_saw distress signal.wav CC_290_well of all the.wav CC_291_splice the knot.wav CK_012_all equal in this.wav CK_013_equal shares.wav CK_014_down with chest.wav CK_020_callous rascals.wav CK_021_here lie one.wav CK_022_here lie forever.wav CK_023_rest in peace.wav CK_025_gentleman gentleman.wav CK_026_need polish.wav CK_027_gentleman good man.wav CK_028_see need you.wav CK_029_never sucks tea.wav CK_030_social carreer ruined.wav CK_031_know your business.wav CK_032_want best man.wav CK_033_infallible mark.wav CK_034_never on ship before.wav CK_035_dont let that frighten you.wav CK_036_quite educational.wav CK_038_clearing throat.wav CK_044_royal majesty.wav CK_045_killer of buccaneers.wav CK_046_peaceful shipmaster.wav CK_047_Madagascar waters.wav CK_048_southern tip Africa.wav CK_049_who commanded.wav CK_050_your admirals.wav CK_051_fear in honest traders.wav CK_052_successful voyage.wav CK_053_may please your majesty.wav CK_054_yes.wav CK_055_all I ask.wav CK_056_is all you want.wav CK_057_bursting noble blood.wav CK_058_judge by appearance.wav CK_059_fence with me.wav CK_060_courage less than wit.wav CK_061_know nothing of fence.wav CK_062_very well then.wav CK_064_ask pardon sire.wav CK_065_meant demonstrate.wav CK_066_to good purpose.wav CK_067_majesty satisfied.wav CK_068_think none better.wav CK_069_thank you sir.wav CK_070_main mission.wav CK_071_submit protection treasures.wav CK_072_now Sire.wav CK_073_your crew.wav CK_074_crew of pirates.wav CK_075_condemned pirates.wav CK_076_aye sir.wav CK_077_none so loyal.wav CK_078_hold accountable.wav CK_079_little to choose.wav CK_080_now goodbye.wav CK_081_God speed you.wav CK_091_quarrelsome fella.wav CK_092_taken in pirate ship.wav CK_093_always escaping.wav CK_094_tiger s blood.wav CK_095_aint flower garden.wav CK_096_pretty lot of sinners.wav CK_097_anyone down there.wav CK_098_I hope not.wav CK_099_why here for.wav CK_100_feeds you vermin.wav CK_101_news to advantage.wav CK_102_hangman dead then.wav CK_103_silence you dogs.wav CK_104_flay him raw.wav CK_105_win love.wav CK_106_now bullies.wav CK_107_vessel adventure galley.wav CK_108_shouts.wav CK_109_have him unlock.wav CK_111_men with iron in blood.wav CK_121_my heart bleeds.wav CK_122_know marooned me.wav CK_123_hostile wind.wav CK_124_between friends.wav CK_125_now 4 again.wav CK_126_twenty thousand pounds.wav CK_127_path of temptation.wav CK_128_knife in dark.wav CK_129_not violent man.wav CK_130_ambitious man.wav CK_131_commoner like myself.wav CK_132_cold gutted shark.wav CK_133_glad you r back.wav CK_134_something tell you.wav CK_135_in case do not return.wav CK_136_of course dear fellow.wav CK_137_very sensible of you.wav CK_138_happy voyage.wav CK_143_laughters.wav CK_144_toast to king.wav CK_146_m Mercy waiting.wav CK_147_no sir.wav CK_148_no love for king.wav CK_149_on king ship.wav CK_150_king or devil.wav CK_151_owe him nothing.wav CK_152_owe him your neck.wav CK_153_owe reprieve to you.wav CK_154_drink to his majesty.wav CK_155_toast to king.wav CK_166_too far swim back.wav CK_167_service to you.wav CK_168_wants to know who.wav CK_169_who do they think.wav CK_171_seemed uneasy.wav CK_172_hmmm.wav CK_173_this cap Kidd.wav CK_174_merchant captain.wav CK_175_afraid spied on.wav CK_178_buried in cave.wav CK_179_stays where it is.wav CK_180_got fatter prize.wav CK_181_present position.wav CK_183_stocked with treasure.wav CK_184_find way in our pockets.wav CK_185_however we do it.wav CK_186_stick to familiar.wav CK_187_oh yes.wav CK_188_not to be mentioned.wav CK_189_if enjoy living.wav CK_203_well mr Mercy.wav CK_204_robbing desk.wav CK_205_shoot me cap.wav CK_206_plant you on board.wav CK_208_by the way.wav CK_209_by the way_NR2.wav CK_210_if get back.wav CK_211_on the other hand.wav CK_212_crooked rogue.wav CK_213_equal share.wav CK_214_of all black hearts.wav CK_215_King s informer.wav CK_216_equally guilty.wav CK_217_what more ask.wav CK_218_evil laugh.wav CK_219_know mr Mercy.wav CK_220_unscrupulous.wav CK_221_be sensible.wav CK_222_useful each other.wav CK_223_in one way or another.wav CK_224_forgotten something.wav CK_225_so I have.wav CK_226_listen carefully.wav CK_227_didnt you shoot him.wav CK_228_pleasure for later.wav CK_229_didnt like him.wav CK_230_liar I think him.wav CK_231_charged robbery.wav CK_232_rid of him.wav CK_233_not impetuous.wav CK_234_cant leave.wav CK_235_amusing to find.wav CK_236_leave mr Mercy to me.wav CK_243_sure enough.wav CK_250_unhealthy waters.wav CK_251_pirate brotherhood.wav CK_252_more than that.wav CK_254_how proceed.wav CK_255_protection Madagascar.wav CK_256_safe as long.wav CK_257_Avery wolf.wav CK_258_what advise.wav CK_259_well.wav CK_260_I suppose.wav CK_261_what about treasure.wav CK_262_may I suggest.wav CK_263_transfer traesure.wav CK_264_great responsibility.wav CK_265_trust me.wav CK_266_what else can do.wav CK_267_three against us.wav CK_268_wisest course.wav CK_269_defer to excellence.wav CK_270_inspect the chest.wav CK_271_slung into boat.wav CK_275_send for manifest.wav CK_300_ask again.wav CK_301_fancy manners.wav CK_302_when divide gold.wav CK_303_bargain with you.wav CK_304_everyone want bargain.wav CK_305_dream beautiful woman.wav CK_306_half dinero now.wav CK_307_smit with love.wav CK_308_whether like it.wav CK_309_ha ha.wav CK_310_pressure on board.wav CK_312_own plan for girl.wav CK_313_get out.wav CK_324_passion power gold.wav CK_325_laugh if will.wav CK_327_senorita.wav CK_335_medallion gone.wav CK_344_going to cave.wav CK_347_too many questions.wav CK_349_12 apostles.wav CK_359_back for lady Anne.wav CK_360_silver chest.wav CK_361_tell lady Anne.wav CK_363_aye sir.wav CK_382_both good and ill.wav CK_386_catching red handed.wav CK_409_Kidd is dead.wav HM_006_no longer human sacrifice.wav HM_008_desperate cries.wav HM_010_wanton slaughter.wav HM_012_I remember.wav HM_015_exists a man.wav HM_019_send for this man.wav HM_023_claudius lied.wav HM_042_face the facts.wav HM_043_could wipe them.wav HM_046_dont intend lose you.wav HM_050_are you Hercules.wav HM_064_mistaken rich merchant.wav HM_065_aah.wav HM_065_thats strange.wav HM_067_right arm queen.wav HM_075_thank you.wav HM_080_show way secret tunnel.wav HM_085_death cry.wav HM_087_this is end.wav HM_106_hi.wav HM_114_broke his way out.wav HM_116_man superhuman.wav HM_118_what friends.wav HM_145_nothing left to do.wav HM_147_wife is right.wav HM_149_mountain open up.wav HM_150_was so terrified.wav HM_158_alone in world.wav HM_160_you re right.wav HM_163_its Hercules.wav HM_165_get along well.wav HM_166_tragic destiny.wav HM_167_no one dared refuse.wav HM_168_monsters from cave.wav HM_172_faith and resolution.wav HM_173_return to houses.wav HM_185_horse like Pegasus.wav HM_190_you re right.wav HM_194_mountain of death.wav HM_195_wanna see it.wav HM_198_at your service.wav HM_199_get my horse.wav HM_201_dont be afraid.wav HM_207_arrived in time.wav HM_215_Hercules they re here.wav HM_217_stay calm.wav HM_222_shout.wav HM_222_shout_NR2.wav HM_226_dont worry.wav HM_233_ordered bring princess.wav HM_245_tell where Billis.wav HM_252_wasnt hard find you.wav HM_253_get moving.wav HM_260_rescued by Hercules.wav HM_272_cannot wait any longer.wav HM_276_gasp.wav HM_282_most powerful.wav HM_285_space few hours.wav HM_296_this isnt you.wav HM_302_stand up like men.wav HM_305_Hercules not put away.wav HM_308_let me in.wav HM_309_officer royal guards.wav HM_323_betrayed us Samara.wav TB_019_spending summer.wav TB_020_was surprised.wav TB_026_excuse me.wav TB_030_distinguished visitor.wav TB_041_mmh.wav TB_042_writer of mysteries.wav TB_044_in trouble.wav TB_045_bonds collateral.wav TB_046_access to vault.wav TB_047_bonds gone.wav TB_048_talk to him.wav TB_049_deep in woods.wav TB_052_what is it.wav TB_055_heard someone.wav TB_056_wont show up.wav TB_057_five get you 10.wav TB_058_told not bother.wav TB_061_half million.wav TB_063_pinched million.wav TB_065_not kidding.wav TB_067_thought get away.wav TB_068_got away.wav TB_069_I have cash.wav TB_070_doctor not lawyer.wav TB_071_you ll find.wav TB_072_blame for robbery.wav TB_073_never suspect me.wav TB_074_like Bailey.wav TB_075_gave first chance.wav TB_076_lovely wife.wav TB_077_charming.wav TB_079_wheres the million.wav TB_081_no no.wav TB_082a_raved delirium.wav TB_082_hidden room.wav TB_084_ship body back.wav TB_085_have to have body.wav TB_086_where get body.wav TB_086_where get body_long.wav TB_087_why do this.wav TB_088_might acquitted him.wav TB_089_logical suspect.wav TB_090_dont go for deal.wav TB_091_you d kill me.wav TB_092_find another body.wav TB_158_pity leased house.wav TB_159_dont want alarm you.wav TB_160_something about place.wav TB_161_disaster.wav TB_167_take one tablet.wav TB_173_did you know.wav TB_175_doesnt matter now.wav TB_176_warn to leave.wav TB_177_been tragic place.wav TB_195_congratualtions.wav TB_196_real estate picking up.wav TB_197_squandering inheritance.wav TB_198_left fortune.wav TB_199_deposit box empty.wav TB_200_missing million.wav TB_202_all savings were.wav TB_203_find cash.wav TB_204_where look for it.wav TB_205_million hunting trip.wav TB_206_suspect uncle John.wav TB_208_fingerprints.wav TB_209_can defense prove that.wav TB_211_testimonial.wav TB_215_new servants.wav TB_218_thank you madam.wav TB_220_how long chauffeur.wav TB_221_police record.wav TB_223a_oh.wav TB_223_know something.wav TB_234_hello Dale.wav TB_236_have floor plans.wav TB_237_what would want.wav TB_238_hidden bank loot.wav TB_240_somewhere in house.wav TB_241_kept blueprints.wav TB_242_what place.wav TB_243_guts to steal.wav TB_244_hello Dale.wav TB_245_havent seen plans.wav TB_250_if testimony.wav TB_252_smart girl.wav TB_263_hes come back.wav TB_264_thats who I mean.wav TB_274_as coroner.wav TB_275_how long dead.wav TB_276_bats trademark.wav TB_277_still in house.wav TB_279a_why should he be.wav TB_279_persistent killer.wav TB_280_called the morgue.wav TB_286_had to use frontdoor.wav TB_288_been butler before.wav TB_289_many capacities.wav TB_290_what time leave.wav TB_291_I can try.wav TB_292_dont leave house.wav TB_294_met before.wav TB_295_crew from HQ.wav TB_296_in the meantime.wav TB_297_wont leave house.wav TB_303_mental case.wav TB_304_million at large.wav TB_308_surprise for bat.wav TB_310_clues to identity.wav TB_311_pillars of community.wav TB_314_same as other killings.wav TB_315_didnt know hit him.wav TB_317_check door windows.wav TB_319_shock close case.wav TB_321_goodnight Andy.wav TB_353_saw man outside.wav TB_354_give own life.wav TB_355_told stay in rooms.wav TB_362_heard screams.wav TB_363_where were you.wav TB_365_surprised.wav TB_366_seen better performances.wav TB_367_remember now.wav TB_368_connection robbery.wav TB_369_lucky break.wav TB_370_where were you.wav TB_371_followed you.wav TB_372_been knocked out.wav TB_373_wish knocked out.wav TB_374_mask on face.wav TB_375_Im not the bat.wav TB_376_Ive never killed.wav TB_377_wont take wrap for this.wav TB_380_well doctor.wav TB_381_Bat came back.wav TB_382_why come back.wav TB_383_find you around.wav TB_385_hit by something.wav TB_386_so you did.wav TB_387_could be wrong.wav TB_393_kill me first.wav TB_394_not smart enough.wav TB_395_know where it is.wav TB_396_destroyed himself.wav TB_425_got trouble.wav TB_426_call Anderson.wav TB_430_out on case.wav TB_432_something queer.wav TB_434_keep an eye.wav TB_436_bolt front door.wav TB_450_let it close.wav TB_451_control panel.wav TB_454_expert crack safe.wav TB_458_Lt on case.wav TB_460_got word to him.wav TS_007_love is his curse.wav TS_012_noSybil.wav TS_014_yes Sybil.wav TS_014_yes Sybil_NR2.wav TS_036_shes in danger.wav TS_039_something terrible.wav TS_042_princess is gone.wav TS_043_turn up guard.wav TS_044_done that my liege.wav TS_045_until shes found.wav TS_047_who is this.wav TS_049_call off search.wav TS_050_who are you.wav TS_051_Lodac sorcerer.wav TS_052_daughter at castle.wav TS_053_answer simple.wav TS_054_executed for witchcraft.wav TS_055_beseech you.wav TS_056_worm eating sorcerer.wav TS_057_find castle.wav TS_058_no great task.wav TS_059_get there alive.wav TS_060a_your curses.wav TS_061_dish for dragon.wav TS_064_will recue her.wav TS_065_risk 7 curses.wav TS_066_who saves Helene.wav TS_068_I save princess.wav TS_070_not afraid.wav TS_076_save girl I love.wav TS_077_not being mortal.wav TS_081_Im sorry mother.wav TS_083_been kind loving.wav TS_084_not a child.wav TS_086_give me freedom.wav TS_094_what sort presents.wav TS_112_let me hold sword.wav TS_130_magic armor.wav TS_134_feel nervous.wav TS_135_no Sire.wav TS_136_bravest of all.wav TS_138_strange ring.wav TS_139_life at stake.wav TS_140_go my friend.wav TS_142_thats very kind.wav TS_143_who are you.wav TS_144_noble lineage.wav TS_146_comrades in arms.wav TS_147_sir Denis France.wav TS_148_Sir Ulrich Germany.wav TS_149_sir Anthony Italy.wav TS_150_sir Pedro Spain.wav TS_151_sir James Scotland.wav TS_152_sir Patrick Ireland.wav TS_153_grateful offer.wav TS_157_often seen you.wav TS_158_wish marry.wav TS_159_dance at wedding.wav TS_160_talk in riddle.wav TS_161_monsieur understand.wav TS_163a_arrogant boy.wav TS_163_what frenchman mean.wav TS_164_perils dark journey.wav TS_166_your majesty.wav TS_168_like these knights.wav TS_169_seven swords.wav TS_170_when start.wav TS_178_bravest knights.wav TS_181_particular case.wav TS_182_happens quickly.wav TS_184a_one knight.wav TS_184_hate disillusion.wav TS_185_whos brave man.wav TS_187a_care see him.wav TS_193_not a chance.wav TS_202_Branton no coward.wav TS_204_missed you burial.wav TS_205_regrets as deep.wav TS_206_every minute counts.wav TS_224_tired rest.wav TS_227_companions turn back.wav TS_228_turn back now.wav TS_229_turn heel.wav TS_230_Lodac s curses.wav TS_231a_as long 1 alive.wav TS_231_couldnt blame you.wav TS_232_between curses treachery.wav TS_233_ two faced.wav TS_234_demand explanation.wav TS_235_journey alone.wav TS_236_what nonsense.wav TS_237_refused our help.wav TS_238_join with rival.wav TS_239_dark journey.wav TS_240_suspicious minds.wav TS_241_curses killing us.wav TS_242_theres your answer.wav TS_243_admire courage.wav TS_244_tongue like honey.wav TS_245_game treachery.wav TS_248_in good mood.wav TS_249_talk incompetence.wav TS_250_give my ring.wav TS_251_what use the ring.wav TS_252_dont trust me.wav TS_253_you're insolent.wav TS_254_cast spell.wav TS_255_give ring now.wav TS_256_wear your ring.wav TS_258_why hurt you.wav TS_259_keep my word.wav TS_260_tough traitor.wav TS_261_both know what want.wav TS_262_sir george yes.wav TS_265_die before that.wav TS_267_followed me.wav TS_268_be ready for him.wav TS_273_saved my life.wav TS_275_rob thought.wav TS_276_why come here.wav TS_277_wait mon Dieu.wav TS_278_what is it.wav TS_280_in mill.wav TS_281_sir Branton.wav TS_283_is it good.wav TS_284_what doing here.wav TS_285_spied up land.wav TS_286_can turn back.wav TS_287_as you will.wav TS_288_wake ride on.wav TS_292_yes that shield.wav TS_293_boy has magic.wav TS_295_Sibyl sgainst me.wav TS_298_once got ring back.wav TS_299_redouble magic.wav TS_300_all had to do.wav TS_303_looking older.wav TS_305_cause me trouble.wav TS_307_not a chance.wav TS_308a_nothing can do.wav TS_308_fed to dragon.wav TS_326_wonder cooking up.wav TS_330_no more magic.wav TS_344_sorry leave you.wav TS_345_castle over hill.wav TS_352_it was magic.wav TS_353_Lodac s magic.wav TS_359_escaped again.wav TS_360_no way out.wav TS_361_was it magic.wav TS_362_how escaped.wav TS_377_as real as you.wav TS_380_see if clear.wav TS_384_mylady time leave.wav TS_385_no helene no.wav TS_386_forgetting the ring.wav TS_387_keep my word.wav TS_388_take her.wav TS_390_Helene.wav TS_391_Helene.wav TS_392_think keep word.wav TS_393_dont understand.wav TS_394_dont bargain mortals.wav TS_406_save him Sybil.wav TS_413_good view from window.wav TS_416a_evil laugh.wav TS_416_evil laugh.wav TS_419_hurry.wav TS_424_still a sword.wav TS_442_dare challenge.wav