List by folder of the samples included in the Memory Collection Pack 09 from Les Productions Zvon Sounds from Christmas past / Winter Holidays The samples in this collection are taken from 15 Public Domain TV shows and 29 ads (including 14 toy ads) from the 50's and 60's. Most of TV shows are Christmas or New Year's Eve specials but two were regular episodes. There are 1 305 samples (589 MB). The collection is divided in 5 folders: FX - sound effects, foleys, various noises Music Speech Female_Kids Speech Male Hybrids - in this folder, I regrouped samples that feature 2 or more sounds of the 4 above folders. For instance someone speaking with some background noise and/or music, or music with background sfx. Please note that there are some exceptions in this categorization. When one sound element, for instance music, really dominates the others, a sample may then have been sorted in the music folder even if there's a voice (not singing) or sfx in it. ______________________________________ About the naming convention used Samples from the TV shows have names beginning with two capital letters followed by an underscore and numbers. The capital letters indicate the specific source show, for instance all the samples beginning with DA are from the same show. When I have used two episodes of a specific show, these two letters are followed by the number 1 or the number 2, for instance BA1 for the first episode and BA2 for the second one. The numbers indicate the order in which the samples appeared in the ad or show. Sometimes the numbers are followed by a lowercase letter, this indicates that the samples are part of, or were originally, a longer sample. Like in this example: aRH2_008_healthy shine.wav, aRH2_008a_brass hit.wav. Like in the example above, samples from the TV ads have three letters at the beginning of their names. A lowercase precedes the two capital letters, either "a" for the general ads or a "t" for the toy ads. Following this sequence of letters and numbers is the actual name of the sample, like "applause" that describes the sound. In the case of the Speech samples, the name refers to the words that are actually said, like "Merry Christmas" or in the case of longer samples it will list some of the keywords. Names ending with NR2 indicates a sample processed with different noise reduction settings, those ending with COMP indicates samples that are compressed, so a sample may have 2 versions. Name ending by "X" are the trimmed version of the original sample, these are mainly used in the demo. ________________________________________________________________________ \FX\ aCJ_001_train_shout.wav aJP_001_bird.wav aJP_003_click.wav aJP_004_bang.wav aLS_002_ticking clock.wav aLS_002_ticking clock_NR2.wav aLS3_clok ticking.wav aLS3_clok ticking_NR2.wav aPP_002_squeaky door.wav aPP_016_doorknocks.wav BA1_005_old cash register.wav BA1_008_old cash register.wav BA1_021_applause.wav BA1_031_strange sneeze.wav BA1_048_phone ring 50s.wav BA1_048_phone ring 50s_NR2.wav BA1_095_typewriter.wav BA1_095_typewriter_NR2.wav BA1_096_sitting at desk.wav BA1_098_typewriter.wav BA1_098_typewriter_NR2.wav BA2_009_breaking door window.wav BA2_009_breaking door window_b.wav BA2_027_door closing.wav BA2_029_footsteps_door.wav BH1_028_knocks.wav BH2_001_car.wav BH2_016_jet taxiing.wav BH2_051_jet landing.wav CG_057_noise seq.wav CG_057_noise seq_NR2.wav CG_068_animal.wav CG_070_horse.wav CG_072_horse.wav CG_073_noises.wav CG_073_noises_NR2.wav CG_074_noises.wav CG_074_noises_NR2.wav CG_075_animal.wav CG_076_animal.wav CG_077_noises.wav CG_078_animal.wav CG_079_tapping noises.wav DA_004_applause.wav DA_006_applause_whistling.wav DA_009_applause.wav DR1_018_phone ring_50s.wav DR1_018a_phone ring_50s.wav DR1_018b_picking up phone.wav DR1_021_hanging up.wav DR1_038_footsteps door closing.wav DR1_059_phone 50s.wav DR1_064_door closing.wav DR1_065_door closing.wav DR1_076_click.wav FT_014_footsteps.wav FT_037_doorknocks.wav FT_038_footsteps.wav FT_049_doorknocks.wav FT_052_closing door.wav JB1_029_applause.wav JB1_053_applause.wav LB_016_basketball.wav LB_019_basketball.wav LB_025_footsteps.wav LB_026_bicycle bell.wav LB_026_bicycle bell_NR2.wav LB_028_footsteps.wav LB_029_bell_distorted.wav LB_071_hanging up phone.wav LB_081_hanging up phone.wav LB_082_two steps.wav LB_099_closing door.wav LB_115_car starting.wav MC_008_opening door.wav MC_016_unwrapping gift.wav MC_043_climbing ladder.wav MC_049_ladder.wav MC_063_tools pulley.wav MC_068_screech.wav MC_070_screech short.wav MC_071_screech short.wav MC_072_screech short.wav MC_074_screech.wav MC_075_screech short.wav MC_078_folding newspapwer.wav MC_080_folding newspapwer.wav MC_081_newspapwer.wav MC_082_noise seq.wav MC_099_door.wav MC_111_doorknob.wav MC_118_knock.wav MC_124_door slamming.wav MC_126_squeaky door.wav MC_137_knock dring.wav MC_137_knock dring_NR2.wav MC_153_noisy seq.wav tAB_002_beep.wav tAS_002_explosion.wav _______________________________________________________________________________________________ \Hybrids\ aHP_006_crisp_savory.wav aHP_007_wouldnt you be proud.wav aJP_009_magic treat.wav aK1_002_give take xmas.wav aK1_008_enjoy xmas pictures.wav aK1_009_to those you love.wav aK1_010_picture always treasure.wav aK1_011_happiest holiday.wav aLS2_001_presenting_drum roll.wav aPA_001_aftershave.wav aPA_002_all quality.wav aPA_003_every man.wav aPE_001_Lets go.wav aPP_001_hammer whistling.wav aPP_007_you know why.wav aPP_008_picky peanuts.wav aPP_009_best grade.wav aPP_010_popping sounds.wav aPP_011_popping sounds.wav aPP_012_popping sounds.wav aPP_013_only the choiciest.wav aPP_014_sweetest tenderest.wav aPP_015_costs little more.wav aPP_018_gong_enter.wav BA1_016_funny noise.wav BA1_027_laughs.wav BA1_036_laughs cough.wav BA1_037_short laughs.wav BA1_038_short laughs.wav BA1_040_short laughs.wav BA1_042_laughs.wav BA1_045_laughs.wav BA1_047_laughs.wav BA1_056_fly to moon.wav BA1_058_laughs.wav BA1_059_someone at door.wav BA1_062_laughs.wav BA1_065_laughs.wav BA1_067_laughs.wav BA1_070_laughs.wav BA1_074_laughs.wav BA1_088_laughs.wav BA1_089_laughs.wav BA1_092_laughs.wav BA1_094_laughs.wav BA1_097_short laughs.wav BA1_099_laughs applause.wav BA1_100_laughs.wav BA1_105_end with applause.wav BA1_108_television network.wav BA2_002_havent seen me.wav BA2_004_laugh.wav BA2_008_yes you will.wav BA2_010_strange laugh.wav BA2_012_laughs.wav BA2_013_laughs.wav BA2_015_laughs.wav BA2_016_Xmas guests arriving.wav BA2_022_laughs.wav BA2_026_laughs.wav BA2_030_whats that.wav BA2_032_laughs.wav BA2_033_laughs.wav BA2_034_laughs.wav BA2_036_mother good cook.wav BA2_041_laughs.wav BA2_045_laughs.wav BA2_049_applause.wav BA2_054_try Santa suit.wav BA2_056_laughs.wav BA2_057_applause.wav BH1_007_open it_laughs.wav BH1_009_what I wanted.wav BH1_019_laughs.wav BH1_026_small laughs.wav BH1_027_laughs.wav BH1_037_hes chimpanzee.wav BH1_038 laughs.wav BH1_039_wish you merry.wav BH1_054_laughs.wav BH1_069_laughs.wav BH1_071_laughs.wav BH1_076_laughs.wav BH1_078_laughs.wav BH1_079_dry Xmas merry.wav BH2_005_laughs.wav BH2_014_merry Xmas too.wav BH2_015_laughs.wav BH2_033_come in.wav BH2_040_banquet.wav BH2_047_laughs_knocks.wav BH2_050_laughs.wav BH2_054_Jingle bells funny.wav CG_030_honest to gosh tree.wav CG_032_maybe good Xmas.wav CG_033_hours overdue.wav CG_035_just Xmas.wav CG_044_upset about Xmas.wav CG_045_never heard such thing.wav CG_046_yes mon capitaine.wav CG_047_when where.wav CG_048_going find Xmas.wav CG_049_the caravan.wav CG_050_sounds like it.wav CG_051_oui mon capitaine.wav CG_058_saddle 3 horses.wav CG_061_tonight xmas eve.wav CG_081_glad see you.wav CG_100_first xmas eve.wav DA_007_laughs.wav DA_010_laughs.wav DA_011_something else.wav DA_013_laughs.wav DA_016_laughs.wav DA_018_laughs.wav DA_021_noel noel.wav DA_023_miserable santa.wav DA_027_laughs.wav DA_034_looking for presents.wav DA_035_not real santa.wav DA_036_cant take santa.wav DA_038_wait see santa.wav DA_041_thank mr Jones.wav DA_043_for you.wav DA_044_merry xmas both.wav DA_047_goodnight everybody.wav DR1_002_this is the city.wav DR1_003_dec 24th.wav DR1_024_rode to church.wav DR1_025_was old church.wav DR1_028_Jesus missing.wav DR1_047_arrive there.wav DR1_062_troubles bargain rate.wav FT_002_give inspiration.wav FT_004_story first tree.wav FT_005_our tree.wav FT_009_beautiful tree.wav FT_020_finest xmas ever.wav FT_057_knew it stole.wav FT_062_whats going on.wav FT_071_first xmas tree.wav JB1_001_intro applause.wav JB1_009_laughs.wav JB1_010_laughs.wav JB1_011_laughs.wav JB1_012_laughs.wav JB1_013_xmas over.wav JB1_014_laughs.wav JB1_020_laughs.wav JB1_021_laughs.wav JB1_022_laughs.wav JB1_025_laughs.wav JB1_026_thank you_applause.wav JB1_028_laughs_applause.wav JB1_032_laughs.wav JB1_033_laughs_applause.wav JB1_041_laughs.wav JB1_043_laughs.wav JB1_044_short laugh_strange.wav JB1_045_laughs.wav JB1_047_applause_very good.wav JB1_048_laughs_applause.wav JB1_055_laughs.wav JB1_058_end credits.wav LB_005_laughs.wav LB_006_laughs.wav LB_013_laughs.wav LB_014_laughs.wav LB_017_laughs.wav LB_020_dribble past me.wav LB_032_laughs.wav LB_042_laughs.wav LB_043_laughs.wav LB_046_laughs.wav LB_047_laughs applause.wav LB_052_laughs.wav LB_088_doorbell_get it.wav LB_088_doorbell_get it_NR2.wav LB_094_laughs.wav LB_101_just a second.wav LB_110_laughs.wav LB_114_footsteps_grandpa.wav MC_002_Xmas season.wav MC_017_funny sound_shriek.wav MC_024_laughs.wav MC_027_curious about presents.wav MC_028_wonder how pay.wav MC_038_laughs.wav MC_067_back to work.wav MC_069_soft laughs.wav MC_073_soft laughs.wav MC_077_laughs.wav MC_097_weaker sex.wav MC_110_laughs.wav MC_112_laughs.wav MC_117_laughs.wav MC_120_laughs.wav MC_125_laughs.wav MC_127_funny cue.wav MC_128_bang up xmas.wav MC_130_hey merry xmas.wav MC_136_see how works.wav MC_145_nooo_noisy.wav MC_154_merry xmas cue.wav tAB_001_its landed.wav tAB_003_new astrobase.wav tAB_004_spacelock.wav tAB_005_two spaceprobes.wav tAB_006_car scanning.wav tAB_007_go spaceprobe.wav tAB_008_mission accomplished.wav tAB_009_play outer space.wav tAB_010_scan the skies.wav tAB_011_favorite store.wav tAB_012_get astrobase today.wav tAK_001_its tAK.wav tAK_002_down to business.wav tAK_003_what business.wav tAK_004_carry all playset.wav tAK_005_fort apache.wav tAK_006_fighting knights.wav tAK_007_boot camp.wav tAK_008_land helicopter.wav tAK_009_fire rocket.wav tAK_010_get fort.wav tAK_011_get all 4.wav tAK_012_carry world action.wav tAK_013_rugged steel.wav tAS_003_wrong volcano.wav tAS_004_ran like wind.wav tAS_005_action shoes.wav tAS_006_action wedge.wav tAS_007_run fastest.wav tAS_008_lava reach him.wav tAS_009_and action shoes.wav tAS_013_free_hit.wav tCD_001_blast off_come in.wav tCD_002_ready second launching.wav tCD_003_Atlas moving.wav tCD_004_fuel her up.wav tCD_005_all set.wav tCD_006_countdown.wav tCD_007_ten nine.wav tCD_010_blast off.wav tCD_011_real missile base.wav tCD_012_setup controls.wav tCD_013_comes complete.wav tCD_014_where good toys.wav tCD_015_its wonderful.wav tHT_001_noisy cue.wav tHT_002_thats start.wav tHT_003_most action.wav tHT_004_if have one.wav tHT_005_when its hot.wav tLE_005_new world build.wav tLE_008_build.wav tLE_009_now at stores.wav tLE_010_sensation Europe.wav tLE_011_make it better.wav tLI_001_tense moment.wav tLI_002_capsule launching.wav tLI_003 astronaut moved.wav tLI_004 countdown begin.wav tLI_005_neaby heliport.wav tLI_006_countdown proceeds.wav tLI_007_settles to Earth.wav tLI_008_you control action.wav tLI_009_remember boy.wav tLI_010_you re the boss.wav tMM_002_outside clear.wav tMM_004_along the ground.wav tMM_005_take him apart.wav tMM_006_wind him.wav tMM_007_hear him ring.wav tMS_006_what a toy.wav tRR_002_robert story.wav tRR_004_remote robot.wav tRR_006_swinging arms.wav tRR_008_sinister or friendly.wav tRR_009_months of development.wav tRR_010_injection machine.wav tRR_011_if Humpty Dumpty.wav tRR_013_voice tested.wav tRR_014_only latest tools.wav tRR_016_as it should be.wav tRR_017_machines robots brothers.wav tRR_021_testing remote cable.wav tRR_022_any direction.wav tRR_023_shoulder to shoulder.wav tRR_024_inspected again.wav tRR_025_take over world.wav tRR_026_all can do.wav tRR_027_deliver magazine.wav tRR_029_talk on phone.wav tRR_030_am robert robot.wav tRR_031_work bulldozer.wav tRR_033_Xray eyes.wav tSK001_lauch satellites.wav tYD_002_rocket test centre.wav tYD_003_next voice.wav tYD_004_sound warning siren.wav tYD_005_siren_all green.wav tYD_006_countdown_blast off.wav tYD_007_project Yankee Doodle.wav YA1_001_Intro.wav YA1_002_TV request show.wav YA1_003_largest selling peanut butter.wav YA1_012_wonderful.wav YA1_024_sing 1st world war.wav YA1_037_stinger_applause_cymbal.wav YA1_037a_cymbal.wav YA1_046_asked for it_hit.wav YH1_003_co sponsorship with.wav YH1_005_home permanent.wav YH1_006_presents.wav YH1_012_top tunes america.wav YH1_013_party going on.wav YH1_014_sit back relax.wav YH1_025_song no1.wav YH1_026_ladies and gentlemen.wav YH1_027_special xmas greeting.wav YH1_029_goodnight merry xmas.wav YH2_001b_presents your hit parade.wav YH2_002a_top tunes.wav YH2_009_top 7 songs.wav YH2_011_Happy new year.wav YH2_018_tune in again.wav _______________________________________________________________________________________________ \Music\ aCO_001_jingle.wav aCOb_001_jingle.wav aK1_001_intro.wav aK1_003_for xmas.wav aK1_004_share merry xmas.wav aK1_005_year after year.wav aK1_006_for xmas.wav aK1_007_merriest thing to do.wav aLS_001_intro.wav aLS_003_be happy.wav aLS_006_taste that you like.wav aLS_007_right now.wav aLS_008_organ swell.wav aLS2_002_banjo.wav aLS3_002_for taste.wav aLS3_003_organ.wav aPE_002_xylophone.wav aPE_002_xylophone_NR2.wav aRH2_001_cue.wav aRH2_002_quick quick.wav aRH2_003_just 1 hour.wav aRH2_003a_quick quick.wav aRH2_004_brass hit.wav aRH2_006_listen.wav aRH2_007_arpeggio.wav aRH2_008_healthy shine.wav aRH2_008a_brass hit.wav aRH2_009_quick_arp.wav aRH2_010_get it quick.wav BA1_001_title.wav BA1_002_title.wav BA1_012_curtain up.wav BA1_028_lively cue.wav BA1_075_cue.wav BA1_085_fun cue.wav BA1_090_lively cue.wav BA1_107_end credits.wav BA2_001_title.wav BA2_060_end title.wav BH1_001_ twelve days.wav BH1_018_Sailors Hornpipe.wav BH1_020_unknown song.wav BH1_023_unknown song.wav BH1_029_arpeggio.wav BH1_050_Jingle Bells.wav BH1_053_Sailors Hornpipe.wav BH1_056_Sailors Hornpipe.wav BH1_064_twelve days.wav BH2_011_twelve days.wav BH2_017_banjo.wav BH2_018_jingle Bells banjo.wav BH2_029_jingle Bells banjo.wav BH2_039_banjo note.wav BH2_046_funny hit.wav CG_001_title_trumpet.wav CG_003_Deck the Halls.wav CG_008_Good King Wenceslaus.wav CG_034_ominous cue.wav CG_043_action cue.wav CG_059_action cue.wav CG_060_harmonica.wav CG_065_brass cue_horses.wav CG_066_action cue.wav CG_067_action cue.wav CG_080_cue_glad to see you.wav CG_101_Silent Night.wav CG_103_the first noel.wav CG_104_end credits.wav DA_001_intro.wav DA_002_crescendo.wav DA_005_first noel_laughs.wav DA_022_christmassy cue.wav DA_024_ lively cue.wav DA_032_Jingle Bells.wav DA_042_away in a manger.wav DA_045_Christmassy cue.wav DR1_001_story is true.wav DR1_023_action cue.wav DR1_026_ten o five am.wav DR1_027_church cue.wav DR1_030_soft hispanic cue.wav DR1_031_brassy cue.wav DR1_037_cue.wav DR1_046_cue.wav DR1_052_Good King Wenceslaus.wav DR1_053_last rehearsal.wav DR1_056_God Rest You Merry Gentlemen.wav DR1_061_dramatic cue.wav DR1_066_dramatic.wav DR1_068_brass.wav DR1_069_brass.wav DR1_077_brass punch.wav DR1_078_angelic cue.wav DR1_081_choir.wav DR1_082_end credits.wav FT_001_brass hit.wav FT_012_Jingle Bells_kids.wav FT_024_dramatic cue.wav FT_027_Silent Night.wav FT_034_dramatic hit.wav FT_072_the first noel.wav FT_073_end credits.wav JB1_049_orchestra.wav LB_001_title.wav LB_015_light cue.wav LB_033_cue.wav LB_116_end credits1.wav LB_116_end credits2.wav MC_001_title.wav MC_006_hit.wav MC_007_title.wav MC_009_Hall Mountain King 1.wav MC_010_Hall Mountain King 2.wav MC_011_Hall Mountain King 3.wav MC_012_Hall Mountain King 4.wav MC_013_Hall Mountain King 5.wav MC_014_Hall Mountain King 6.wav MC_015_Hall Mountain King 7.wav MC_155_end credits.wav tAS_001_stinger.wav tAS_014_stinger.wav tCD_016_harp arp.wav tGE_001_snare drum.wav tLE_002_jingle.wav tLE_003_boy had fun.wav tLE_004_one by one.wav tLE_006_girl had fun.wav tLE_007_one by one.wav tLI_011_end.wav tMM_001_greatest toy.wav tMM_003_mr machine.wav tMM_008_jingle.wav tMS_003_jingle.wav tMS_005_deluxe tMS_.wav tRR_003_lively cue.wav tRR_005_lively short.wav tRR_007_lively cue.wav tRR_012_lively cue.wav tRR_015_lively cue.wav tRR_018_lively cue.wav tRR_019_lively cue.wav tRR_020_lively cue.wav tRR_028_lively cue.wav tRR_032_lively cue.wav tSY_001_gives big lift.wav tSY_002_wonderful toy.wav tSY_003_makes great sound.wav tSY_004_wonderful toys.wav tSY_005_really wonderful toys.wav tSY_006_for girls and boys.wav tYD_001_intro.wav YA1_004_hit.wav YA1_004_hit_NR2.wav YA1_014_hit.wav YA1_015_march.wav YA1_025_lets take.wav YA1_026_it came upon the midnight clear.wav YA1_027_like first noel.wav YA1_028_the first noel.wav YA1_029_try Slent Night.wav YA1_030_Silent Night.wav YA1_031_for finale.wav YA1_032_O Come All Ye Faithful.wav YA1_048_end cue.wav YH1_002_orchestra hit.wav YH1_004_orchestra hit.wav YH1_007_orchestra hit.wav YH1_009_orchestra hit.wav YH1_015_deck the halls1.wav YH1_016_deck the halls2.wav YH1_017_deck the halls3.wav YH1_018_deck the halls4.wav YH1_019_deck the halls5.wav YH1_020_deck the halls6.wav YH1_021_deck the halls7.wav YH1_022_deck the halls8.wav YH1_023_Jingle Bells.wav YH1_024_deck the halls9.wav YH1_028_Oh Holy Night.wav YH1_030_holy Night_bells.wav YH2_002_orchestra hit.wav YH2_004_orchestra hit.wav YH2_006_orchestra hit.wav YH2_008_orchestra.wav YH2_010_orchestra.wav YH2_013_Hit Parade dancers.wav YH2_014_hot time in old town tonight.wav YH2_015_flute.wav YH2_016_number one.wav YH2_016a_orchestra.wav YH2_016b_number one.wav YH2_017_Auld Lang Syne.wav YH2_019_Auld Lang Syne_short.wav _______________________________________________________________________________________________ \Speech Female_Kids\ aJP_005_gasp.wav aPP_003_peanuttiest.wav aPP_004_peanuttiest.wav aPP_017_peanuttiest.wav aRH1_001_heard news.wav aRH1_002_ordinary permanent.wav aRH1_003_into every hair.wav aRH1_004_soft wave.wav aRH1_005_looks curly hair.wav aRH2_011_hello.wav aRH2_012_egg shampoo.wav aRH2_013_with real eggs.wav aRH2_014_beautiful sheen.wav aRH2_015_youll have it too.wav aRH2_016_perfect shampoo finish.wav aRH2_017_news wanted to hear.wav aRH2_018_home permanent.wav aRH2_019_weak wave.wav aRH2_020_into every hair.wav aRH2_021_soft wave.wav aRH2_022_curly hair.wav aRH2_023_get it quick.wav aRH2_024_wont you.wav BA1_013_children be quiet.wav BA1_014_space helmet.wav BA1_015_guess who.wav BA1_017_space captain.wav BA1_018_rocket patrol speaking.wav BA1_019_sighted space balloon.wav BA1_020_I m so sorry.wav BA1_023_trouble spelling.wav BA1_024_do what I do.wav BA1_025_forgot to do.wav BA1_026_thats what.wav BA1_049_hello.wav BA1_050_not yet.wav BA1_051_got everything.wav BA1_052_strawberry shortcake.wav BA1_053_children fine.wav BA1_055_children behave.wav BA1_055_children behave_NR2.wav BA1_057_jet number one.wav BA1_060_come in.wav BA1_072_must be wonderful.wav BA1_102_seen everything.wav BA2_003_who talking to.wav BA2_005_go to train.wav BA2_006_children arriving.wav BA2_007_30millions home.wav BA2_018_Jill can we go play.wav BA2_019_go out play.wav BA2_023_where put presents.wav BA2_028_ooh.wav BA2_031_Xmas present.wav BA2_035_Xmas mother father.wav BA2_038_play follow leader.wav BA2_051_once upon a time.wav BA2_052_once upon a time.wav BA2_053_by Dickens.wav BA2_055_love first sight.wav BH1_003_dont care what.wav BH1_012_overdoing it.wav BH1_014_dont want stay.wav BH1_017_short sigh.wav BH1_024_whoever done this.wav BH1_025_drunk as skunk.wav BH1_032_oh what is it.wav BH1_033_come along.wav BH1_034_go sit.wav BH1_036_why not.wav BH1_043_how big.wav BH1_044_shouldnt have.wav BH1_046_no no no.wav BH1_047_diamond.wav BH1_048_gasp.wav BH1_049_see you later.wav BH1_051_gift for me.wav BH1_052_oh goodness.wav BH1_055_dont talk american.wav BH1_057_give other present.wav BH1_058_another present.wav BH1_059 this her giftpack.wav BH1_060_chock full to eat.wav BH1_061_simply beautiful.wav BH1_062_divine morsels.wav BH1_063_this is terrible.wav BH1_068_got away.wav BH1_070_out of mind.wav BH1_072_anyone seen it.wav BH1_074_yeah.wav BH1_075_four feet high.wav BH1_077_not enough water.wav BH2_012_ just go back.wav BH2_013_merry Xmas.wav BH2_019_when gonna learn.wav BH2_020_get out parlor.wav BH2_021_dont have time.wav BH2_022_didnt mean this.wav BH2_023_sweet potato pie.wav BH2_024_sigh_woman.wav BH2_026_ merry Xmas.wav BH2_028_terrible thought.wav BH2_030_play cards right.wav BH2_031_something keep warm.wav BH2_032_riding automobile.wav BH2_035_cant stay.wav BH2_037_made myself.wav BH2_049_men is alike.wav BH2_052_sitting here.wav CG_004_havent seen snow.wav CG_006_sliding down hill.wav CG_011_could see snow.wav CG_012_turn off snow.wav CG_017_how.wav CG_019_with what.wav CG_024_what is it.wav CG_028_tell me tell me.wav CG_036_coming with me.wav CG_037_why not.wav CG_038_be with me.wav CG_039_if afraid.wav CG_040_didnt tell me.wav CG_041_he doesnt care.wav CG_042_cares about Xmas.wav CG_069_dont worry.wav CG_071_hope good dinner.wav CG_083_I know.wav CG_085_no sir.wav CG_086_thinking about xmas.wav CG_089_yes sir.wav CG_091_no sir.wav CG_096_gee Im sorry.wav CG_099_stuck in desert.wav CG_102_merry xmas uncle.wav DA_001_something cultural.wav DA_003_never forget you.wav DA_003_no miserable santa.wav DA_004_possible exception.wav DA_007_Xmas shopping.wav DA_014_places need help.wav DA_015_ depends on.wav DA_020_opened evenings.wav DA_024_merr xmas_funy.wav DA_025_merry xmas.wav DA_031_list of presents.wav DA_031_list of presents_filtered.wav DA_033_susans mother.wav DG_005_love singing.wav DG_008_interested in sports.wav DR1_039_use phone lazy.wav DR1_041_didnt look.wav DR1_042_I dont know.wav DR1_043_comes at 6.wav DR1_045_describe him.wav FT_010_tree every xmas.wav FT_011_why never before.wav FT_017_forget about tree.wav FT_019_Im frightened.wav FT_025_forbidden my child.wav FT_026_happy holiday.wav FT_029_go home eddy.wav FT_030_we love it.wav FT_031_please dont.wav FT_039_didnt want go.wav FT_041_dont know xmas means.wav FT_042_told them too.wav FT_043_heard her say.wav FT_044_not hungry.wav FT_045_not afraid.wav FT_050_I tought so.wav FT_051_intolerable.wav FT_053_must believe us.wav FT_058_you promised.wav FT_061_wanna stay.wav FT_064_not having Xmas.wav JB1_018_really didnt expect.wav JB1_019_grabbed my purse.wav JB1_024_money from bank.wav LB_003_newer cameras.wav LB_009_house party tonight.wav LB_027_oh no.wav LB_035_got to check.wav LB_036_hey.wav LB_037_alleluia eat tonight.wav LB_038_holiday parties.wav LB_039_catch up with him.wav LB_040_I pleaded take easy.wav LB_041_one if these.wav LB_044_boss grandfather.wav LB_045_grandson coming in.wav LB_048_hold ii mailed today.wav LB_060_slow him down.wav LB_061_Margaret on phone.wav LB_074_ham chicken.wav LB_075_ but its xmas.wav LB_077_think about turkey.wav LB_080_just delightful.wav LB_083_thank you monsieur.wav LB_084_now over with.wav LB_086_glad he did.wav LB_087_quiet evening.wav LB_090_nice see you.wav LB_091_play checkers.wav LB_092_strange laugh.wav LB_095_be right down.wav LB_096_comfortable.wav LB_097_this is fine.wav LB_098_goodnight dear.wav LB_102_m uh.wav LB_107_dinner date tonight.wav LB_108_spinach burger.wav LB_113_heard somebody.wav MC_019_wait till xmas.wav MC_031_present to you.wav MC_061_want me to do.wav MC_065_steal a kiss.wav MC_083_looked for presents.wav MC_084_why hide here.wav MC_085_well.wav MC_086_room back here.wav MC_087_talking in sleep.wav MC_098_find it in here.wav MC_102_never thought about it.wav MC_129_merry xmas dad.wav MC_132_presents been hiding.wav MC_133_sure.wav MC_133_sure_NR2.wav MC_135_ooh.wav MC_139_dont care about present.wav MC_141_suspense any longer.wav MC_142_see presents soon.wav MC_152_day after xmas dinner.wav tAS_010_say boys girls.wav tAS_011_secret compartment.wav tAS_012_get magic ring.wav _______________________________________________________________________________________________ \Speech Male\ aCV_001_return to cap video.wav aCV_002_video rangers.wav aCV_003_back to story.wav aHP_003_no compromise.wav aHP_005_stops at nothing.wav aJP_007_make a wish.wav aJP_008_easy watch.wav aJP_010_next wish master.wav aLS_004_toasted.wav aLS_005_cleaner fresher.wav aLS3_004_time for everything.wav aLS3_005_is wherever.wav aLS3_006_toasted better.wav aLS3_007_cleaner.wav aLS3_008_fresher.wav aLS3_010_tastes better.wav aLS3_011_anytime anywhere.wav aLS3_012_so right now.wav aPP_005_thats the good word.wav aPP_006_peanuttiest.wav aRH2_005_tonight.wav aTT_002_at favorite store.wav aTT_003_ all 4 flavors.wav aTT_004_ if only a penny.wav BA1_003_here we are.wav BA1_004_save 10cents.wav BA1_006_chocolate pudding.wav BA1_007_save 4 cents.wav BA1_009_will taste good.wav BA1_010_smile too.wav BA1_011_richer flavor.wav BA1_022_write speech.wav BA1_029_now earthman.wav BA1_030_toys today.wav BA1_032_play with today.wav BA1_033_never forget.wav BA1_034_well.wav BA1_035_must tell you.wav BA1_039_have spacesuit.wav BA1_041_cops and robbers.wav BA1_043_games today.wav BA1_044_successful TV show.wav BA1_046_got it.wav BA1_054_call off rocket patrol.wav BA1_061_lend me 50.wav BA1_063_theres more.wav BA1_064_whats the punchline.wav BA1_066_getting heavy.wav BA1_068_oh i see.wav BA1_069_no problem.wav BA1_071_little old for.wav BA1_073_juvenile delinquency.wav BA1_076_would you like.wav BA1_077_very simple.wav BA1_078_only half.wav BA1_079_recipe cut out.wav BA1_080_just doing here.wav BA1_081_freezing compartiment.wav BA1_082_wonderful shortcake.wav BA1_083_saved 2 thirds.wav BA1_084_cost so little.wav BA1_086_time getting short.wav BA1_087_take care.wav BA1_091_dont believ dived.wav BA1_093_dived in twice.wav BA1_103_no finer milk.wav BA1_104_milk minerals.wav BA1_106_saying goodnight.wav BA2_011_2 days shopping.wav BA2_014_go through that.wav BA2_017_entrance music.wav BA2_020_wait call agent.wav BA2_021_other smaller.wav BA2_024_drum music.wav BA2_037_might be present.wav BA2_039_not going.wav BA2_040_white Xmas.wav BA2_042_New York Xmas.wav BA2_043_more to Santa.wav BA2_044_know how to.wav BA2_046_now alone.wav BA2_047_eye on you.wav BA2_048_something clicked.wav BA2_050_three hours later.wav BA2_058_have right now.wav BA2_059_going to be.wav BH1_002_artificial snow.wav BH1_004_beverly hills snow.wav BH1_005_throw by hand.wav BH1_006_gift dry hair.wav BH1_008_it is pretty.wav BH1_010_glad you like.wav BH1_011_gave a boat.wav BH1_013_part of strategy.wav BH1_015_Margaret I do.wav BH1_016_gave TV set.wav BH1_021_no.wav BH1_022 sailed a boat.wav BH1_030_hurry up.wav BH1_031_gift for you.wav BH1_035_sit same table.wav BH1_040_ thank you very much.wav BH1_041_gift for you.wav BH1_042_sure obliged.wav BH1_045_take it back.wav BH1_065 gave this morning.wav BH1_073_take em over later.wav BH2_002_Rembrandt.wav BH2_003_cant go away.wav BH2_004_stay here.wav BH2_006_back after Xmas.wav BH2_007_home for Xmas.wav BH2_008_arrive in style.wav BH2_009_take care of it.wav BH2_010 unloading truck.wav BH2_025_stopped at emporium.wav BH2_027_some pretty woman.wav BH2_034_cold in here.wav BH2_036_thank you.wav BH2_038 fantastic miracle.wav BH2_041_sensational juice.wav BH2_042_remarkable woman.wav BH2_043_wondering happy.wav BH2_044_needs you.wav BH2_045_mother will agree.wav BH2_048_catch her.wav BH2_053_please dont go.wav CG_002_world famous.wav CG_005_snow isnt.wav CG_006_highly overrated.wav CG_007_catch a cold.wav CG_009_couldnt get to States.wav CG_010_tonights Xmas Eve.wav CG_013_some left around.wav CG_014_snow isnt much.wav CG_015_hes right.wav CG_016_good xmas her.wav CG_018_caravan Marrakech.wav CG_020_half dozen turkeys.wav CG_021_couple of presents.wav CG_022_heard about presents.wav CG_023_special surprise.wav CG_025_if tell you.wav CG_026_should tell him.wav CG_027_right captain.wav CG_029_caravan xmas tree.wav CG_031_from Atlas mountains.wav CG_052_request permission.wav CG_053_wont be necessary.wav CG_054_excuse me.wav CG_055_what I know sir.wav CG_056_spurring that pony.wav CG_062_poor kid lost.wav CG_063_desert big place.wav CG_064_very big place.wav CG_082_desert alone.wav CG_084_left fort.wav CG_087_more than presents.wav CG_088_peace in hearts.wav CG_090_out in desert.wav CG_092_men of goodwill.wav CG_093_they volunteered.wav CG_094_because love you.wav CG_095_no greater xmas present.wav CG_097_camp here tonight.wav CG_098_come on in.wav DA_006_Noel.wav DA_008_nothing else to do.wav DA_009_wahts dinner.wav DA_010_alrighty.wav DA_012_nobody needs me.wav DA_017_invented machine.wav DA_019_calling Dolly.wav DA_026_no xmas spirit.wav DA_028_ho ho ho.wav DA_029_ho ho ho_angry.wav DA_029_ho ho ho_angry_NR2.wav DA_030_work on ho ho hos.wav DA_037_so do I.wav DA_039_giving away.wav DA_040_talk to you.wav DR1_004_hi Joe.wav DR1_005_Christmas cards.wav DR1_006_get married.wav DR1_007_card every year.wav DR1_008_brought present.wav DR1_009_why.wav DR1_010_spirit ahead time.wav DR1_011_gave magazine.wav DR1_014_come up anything.wav DR1_015_hope stays quiet.wav DR1_017_more sentimental.wav DR1_019_Father be right down.wav DR1_020_goodbye.wav DR1_022_statue Jesus.wav DR1_032_through mail.wav DR1_033_not my due.wav DR1_034_wrong with world.wav DR1_035_crazy wont find him.wav DR1_036_as long as live.wav DR1_040_ask about morning.wav DR1_044_know his name.wav DR1_048_Claude any trouble.wav DR1_049_got room 307.wav DR1_050_every xmas program.wav DR1_051_stories about xmas.wav DR1_054_robbed somebody.wav DR1_055_long time ago.wav DR1_057_when bus arrive.wav DR1_058_its important.wav DR1_060_burglary Friday.wav DR1_063_not going.wav DR1_067_refused to talk.wav DR1_071_wanna go home.wav DR1_072_tell what happened.wav DR1_073_might as well.wav DR1_074_came out.wav DR1_079_wait for santa.wav DR1_080_firemen old toys.wav FT_003_and now story.wav FT_006_I dont know.wav FT_007_never heard.wav FT_008_tree in church.wav FT_013_no thank you.wav FT_015_something wrong.wav FT_016_what to explain.wav FT_018_no.wav FT_021_trying tell you.wav FT_022_fancy ornaments.wav FT_023_what else minister say.wav FT_028_not supposed.wav FT_032_not you decide.wav FT_033_ask resignation.wav FT_035_combine new and old.wav FT_036_give it up.wav FT_040_wont be here xmas.wav FT_046_oh I see.wav FT_047_running away.wav FT_048_right to opinion.wav FT_054_of course.wav FT_055_who did.wav FT_056_definite reason.wav FT_059_still do.wav FT_060_go on home.wav FT_063_whos there.wav FT_065_not having Xmas.wav FT_066_what kind of talk.wav FT_067_take it away.wav FT_068_written sacred book.wav FT_069_handed down ages.wav FT_070_kept alive.wav JB1_002_thank you very much.wav JB1_003_happy new year.wav JB1_004_had nice xmas.wav JB1_005_beautiful gifts.wav JB1_006_orchestra gave me.wav JB1_007_wait last minute.wav JB1_008_on xmas eve.wav JB1_015_Mansfield audience.wav JB1_016_never dreamed you.wav JB1_017_flattered.wav JB1_023_wasnt too sophisticated.wav JB1_027_like to announce.wav JB1_030_ladies and gentlemen.wav JB1_031_new year 1947.wav JB1_034_where new talent.wav JB1_035_give amateur chance.wav JB1_036_amateur shows.wav JB1_037_awfully good.wav JB1_038_approval who wins.wav JB1_039_believe theyre here.wav JB1_040_do imitations.wav JB1_042_what kind of dogs.wav JB1_046_extensive repertory.wav JB1_050_next contestant.wav JB1_051_met him Philippines.wav JB1_052_artist judo.wav JB1_054_go.wav JB1_056_will be back.wav JB1_057_show Rome_happy new year.wav LB_002_grandpa help you.wav LB_007_school dance.wav LB_008_pick her up 8.wav LB_010_not keep you up.wav LB_011_do this tomorrow.wav LB_012_whats that grandpa.wav LB_018_breakfast bed.wav LB_021_havent had breakfast.wav LB_022_whats matter son.wav LB_023_exercise appetite.wav LB_024_what you got.wav LB_030_know about that.wav LB_031_dont need equipment.wav LB_050_in a minute.wav LB_053_grandpa.wav LB_054_dont you forget.wav LB_055_soft sigh.wav LB_056_where tennis racquet.wav LB_057_radio bike missing.wav LB_058_for real.wav LB_059_out after sun.wav LB_062_what.wav LB_063_laugh theatrical.wav LB_064_really.wav LB_065_giggle.wav LB_066_funny.wav LB_067_know who in mind.wav LB_068_dont worry.wav LB_069_take care of it.wav LB_072_some parties tonight.wav LB_073_been a long time.wav LB_076_forget about food.wav LB_078_fixin snack.wav LB_079_giggle.wav LB_085_pick up date.wav LB_089_hello mrs Taylor.wav LB_093_date on deck.wav LB_100_wait in car.wav LB_103_never heard before.wav LB_104_where he is.wav LB_105_young party pooper.wav LB_106_quiet evening.wav LB_109_spinach burger.wav LB_111_stick with me.wav LB_112_fried chicken.wav MC_003_her presents too.wav MC_004_his presents too.wav MC_005_one thing sure.wav MC_018_not gonna find out.wav MC_020_might as well.wav MC_021_hidden never find.wav MC_022_breath.wav MC_023_just like kids.wav MC_025_not curious.wav MC_026_could find out.wav MC_029_handle women better.wav MC_030_ooh.wav MC_031_yeah sure.wav MC_032_know gonna say.wav MC_033_watch.wav MC_034_I ll be over.wav MC_035_one good turn.wav MC_036_look pretty good.wav MC_037_yep sure is.wav MC_039_anything to help.wav MC_040_just call.wav MC_041_thank you Dexter.wav MC_042_goodbye.wav MC_044_by the way.wav MC_045_ask favor.wav MC_046_whatever question.wav MC_047_thank you very much.wav MC_048_goodbye Dexter.wav MC_050_borrow toolshed.wav MC_051_make xmas presents.wav MC_052_nice sentiment.wav MC_053_shows thought goodwill.wav MC_054_money tied up.wav MC_055_well.wav MC_056_havent broken anything.wav MC_057_dont press luck.wav MC_058_trouble decorating tree.wav MC_059_nobody gonna find.wav MC_060_want to help.wav MC_062_cleaning junk.wav MC_064_under mistletoe.wav MC_066_lost my head.wav MC_076_even Edison couldnt.wav MC_079_answer is no.wav MC_088_laugh_man.wav MC_089_snore.wav MC_089_snore_NR2.wav MC_090_yawn.wav MC_091_one.wav MC_092_two.wav MC_093_three.wav MC_094_snore.wav MC_095_four.wav MC_096_now leap forward.wav MC_100_keep looking darling.wav MC_101_tragedies curiosity.wav MC_103_never heard of that.wav MC_104_embarassed.wav MC_105_doing with all.wav MC_106_stuff for presents.wav MC_107_secret.wav MC_108_back in closet.wav MC_113_just passing by.wav MC_114_but bees wax.wav MC_115_what making.wav MC_116_holy cow.wav MC_119_holy cow.wav MC_121_anything else.wav MC_122_hold nail.wav MC_123_mm mmh.wav MC_131_go ahead.wav MC_134_automatic window closer.wav MC_138_wanted merriest xmas.wav MC_140_holy cow.wav MC_143_alright.wav MC_144_any idea.wav MC_146_enough build up.wav MC_147_mh alright.wav MC_148_wait a minute.wav MC_149_so have I.wav MC_150_follow me.wav MC_151_cant be true.wav tAS_015_brought by.wav tAS_016_brought by.wav tAS_017_with magic wedge.wav tLE_001_hey kids.wav tMS_001_Atlas rocket.wav tMS_002_there he goes.wav tMS_004_fire.wav tRR_001_talking robot.wav YA1_005_frozen north.wav YA1_006_busy frosty workshop.wav YA1_007_is toymaker.wav YA1_008_does exist.wav YA1_009_lightning fast.wav YA1_010_find in shop.wav YA1_011_hard at work.wav YA1_013_less than 3 minutes.wav YA1_016_recognize faces.wav YA1_017_hospital Xmas.wav YA1_018_Like you.wav YA1_019_sep 1950.wav YA1_020_and last xmas.wav YA1_021_I guess so.wav YA1_022_home on xmas.wav YA1_023_join sing carols.wav YA1_033_that was swell.wav YA1_034_xmas more sacred.wav YA1_035_feel same way.wav YA1_036_because.wav YA1_038_character actors.wav YA1_039_broadway hits.wav YA1_040_bet I do.wav YA1_040_bet I do_NR2.wav YA1_041_back roaring 20s.wav YA1_042_no.wav YA1_043_drop dead.wav YA1_045_nation TV audience.wav YA1_047_merr_happy new year.wav YH1_008_you hit parade.wav YH1_010_fast talk.wav YH1_011_tonight.wav YH1_031_preceding program.wav YH2_003_co sponsorship.wav YH2_007_your hit parade.wav YH2_020_preceding program.wav